Not me

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(Soundtrack above)

James POV

I watch as Bella walks away, and I am left with my brother. I can tell he's angry.

"What did you do?" he grabs me, then shoves me against the wall.

"Bro relax. Something was wrong, I just wanted to help her. Unlike you who is trying to beat me up, instead asking her if she's okay." I say harshly.

Zack relaxes and backs away. "If you hurt Bella, I swear I'll kill you with my bare hands." he threatens.

I scoff. "As if, I can take you down in three seconds."

Zack shakes her head and walks away, running after Bella. Even though she's long gone.

Bella's POV

I walk to the locker rooms. There are a bunch of girls changing, I check my phone to see it's time for gym class. I groan and walk out, to grab my gym bag. I walk back and change in a stall. I take off my clothing's and look at my bare stomach.

I trace the white scars that are ever so visible. It makes a line that goes up to my chest, I have even more on my back. A tear falls. Why am I crying? I wipe the tears away and put on my gym attire. I open the gym door and take a step in. I look around to see no sign of Zack or Mia, just James who is staring at me.

Making eye contact with him, then look away. I walk away sitting on a bleacher. Then on cue James sits next to me.

"Really James, I'm not in the mood." I say coldly.

"I know, I can tell. My brother is looking for you same as Mia." he tells me.

"Well they can stop looking for me, I'm fine now." I lie.

James sighs. "You really think you can fool me with that act? You're not okay Bella, you just about cried in front of me."

"Shut up." I said harshly. "You don't even know me, you don't even know who I am. This girl that I'm pretending to be, it isn't me I can tell you that. You have no fucking idea what I've been through."

I feel a lump in my throat. Don't cry Bell. "Just stop pretending like you care."

James opens his mouth to say something, but the whistle blows. I look away from him and focus on the words the coach is saying.

"Okay everyone, we're play dodgeball so be on your feet. I've made the teams, when I call your name come up." Coach tells us.

I tune him out as I stare out into space. James shifts closer to me, for some reason I don't flinch or move away. Instead I turn my head, our eyes meet. He puts his hand on mine, again I stay there. His warmth fills my cold hands. Why am I not moving?

"You are probably the most stubborn person, that I've ever met. Counting my brother. I know that you've only known me for about, three weeks now. Almost a month. I've known you for the same amount of the time. I may not know the real you, but I would like to." as he speaks, I feel shivers go down my arms.

"And if you think that I'm pretending, then you're out of your mind." he continues.

I just stay there frozen in time, not moving, not wanting to. "If you knew the real me, you would probably stop caring." I tell him, and remove my hand from his.

"James, just stay away from me." I say coldly and stand up.

I walk away, to my team on the other side of the gym. My team greets me and we talk. I tune them out, not wanting to listen. I look back at James to see his girlfriend on his lap, flirting with him. Typical. I think to myself.

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