The Kiss

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"So you two made up?" Fin asked after Olivia told him and the rest of the detectives about her dinner with Elliot the previous night.

"We did. I'm still hurt but seeing him was nice," she replied with a smile. Captain Cragen walked into the squad room.

"Alright, a twelve year old girl was raped by her stepfather. Her name is Natalie Smith and the stepdad is Michael Foster, who is nowhere to be found. Benson and Amaro I want you to go visit Natalie at Mercy Hospital and listen to her story. Talk to the wife to find out where her bastard husband may have gone. Fin, check and see if he has a rap sheet, and Rollins, check airports or any other transportation services to find out if he's been to any of them, and if so, where to."

They all got to work. On the way to the hospital Olivia was distracted, thinking about Elliot. But she knew she had to concentrate on the current situation so she put Elliot at the back of her mind, or the best she could, at least.


Ten minutes later Olivia and Nick were in Natalie's hospital room after getting a report from the doctor. There was evidence the girl had been raped- there were traces of semen that were sent off to a DNA lab. Fin sent a picture of Michael to the rest of the squad. 

"Natalie, I need you to tell me what happened today," Olivia said softly, sitting in an armchair across from the girl. 

"I was in my room and I was trying on a new bra that my mom had bought me. Michael knocked on my door and I told him not to come in, but he did anyways. When he saw me, he stared at me. I told him to get out but he just walked over to me," Natalie said with her head down.

"Then what happened?" Olivia prompted, using a soft voice to let the girl know it was okay. 

"H- he said, 'you look beautiful' and he touched my face. I backed up crying, telling him it wasn't right, what he was doing was wrong, but he told me to shut up. Then he pushed me onto my bed and I tried getting away but he hit me. Then he- he pulled my pants off and his pants, too and he- he put it inside of me!" Natalie cried. Olivia's heart hurt for the little girl as she told them what had happened. 

"Can we be done here? She's been through enough," Natalie's mother, Amelia, said. 

"I just have a couple of more questions," answered Olivia and turned back to Natalie. "Where was your mom when this happened?"

"She was at the grocery store!" Natalie yelled angrily through tears.

"I never should have left her with him!" Mrs. Foster exclaimed, her own tears streaking down her face.

"You didn't know that would happen," Nick said placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. 

"He's always so cross with Natalie. I shouldn't have left since she doesn't like him."

"Natalie, why do you not like your stepdad?" Olivia asked.

"He yells at me a lot and he grounds me for small things, like forgetting to take out the trash or even staying up five minutes past my bedtime."

"Natalie, you're very brave, sweetie. Thank you for talking to us," Olivia said, smiling sweetly at the girl. Natalie only nodded in response. Olivia walked over to Mrs. Foster. "Let's speak somewhere privately, alright?" Mrs. Foster agreed and after reassuring Natalie that she would be only a minute, she went with Nick and Olivia into a quiet waiting room.

"Ma'am, your husband isn't anywhere to be found. We have other detectives checking to see if he's been to any airports, train stations, you name it. Do you have any idea where he may gone?" Nick asked. 

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