Monday Madness

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The next morning, Monday, Olivia and Elliot slept in until 9 o'clock. Of course, Olivia wasn't to go into work with William Lewis on the loose, but Elliot completely forgot that he had high schoolers he teaches.

"Oh shit," Elliot muttered when he noticed what time it was.

"What is it?" Olivia asked groggily, rolling over to face him.

"It's 9 and I was supposed to go to work today," he told her. Olivia's eyes widened when she realized what this meant.

"No, Elliot, you cannot leave me," she started but Elliot shut her up by kissing her on the lips.

"I'm not going anywhere, babe. I'm going to call my boss and tell her what is going on." Olivia relaxed back into the covers while Elliot called the principal. He didn't give too much away, only that his significant other was in danger and that he needed to be there for her. The principal told him to take all the time he needed. Elliot covered back up and looked at Olivia. "I would never leave you while something like this is going on. I'd be stupid to," he said and Olivia nodded and then pushed Elliot's face away.

"Ok, but you have morning breath," she complained. Elliot blew in her face and Olivia started laughing and shoved Elliot who nearly fell off the bed. "That's what you get for doing that." Elliot tackled Olivia and was on top of her and kissed her neck. "Elliot stop," she laughed then got up from the bed. "If you want morning sex then you have to freshen up like I am," Olivia said.

"Ok, I'll be there in a minute." Elliot yawned and stretched, wanting of course to have sex with Olivia, but not wanting to get out of bed. The doorbell rang and Elliot shot up. Who was it and why were they coming over at 9:15 in the morning? He threw on boxers and a tank-top. Taking precaution due to the circumstances they were under, Elliot grabbed the gun from his nightstand and crept into the living room, both hands holding the gun. He carefully peeked out the window curtains and sighed in relief when it was a neighbor from down the street. Elliot stashed the gun under a couch pillow and opened the front door. "Mark, what's going on man?" he greeted the older man.

"Elliot, is everything okay? I saw your car and thought, "it's not normal for him to miss work." Elliot glanced away then back to Mark. He didn't want to tell him the whole truth.

"We just... have a situation we're having to take care of. But thanks for checking on me," Elliot said managing a smile. The man gave Elliot a curious look and shrugged.

"Well, I hope all is good and that it's taken care of." Elliot chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Me too," he muttered under his breath, and then he said goodbye to Mark. "Olivia, I'm coming to join you in the shower," Elliot said as he locked the door. "Daddy is..." but when he turned around he was interrupted with a violent punch to the nose. Crack. Before Elliot could react, he was kicked hard in the groin. He grunted and doubled over, and cried out when an object was forecfully brought down on his back, making him fall on his front. He was roughly rolled onto his back and he squinted up at the man who had done it. Elliot let out a gasp when he recognized the face. It was Will... Elliot was kicked in the legs and chest, making it difficult to breathe. He knew he had broken bones. He began wheezing and everywhere he had been hit so far stabbed him with a sharp pain. Liv," he rasped out, and the blood from his broken nose dribbled into his mouth. He tried to get up but was kicked back onto the ground and then dragged over to a kitchen chair. He was kicked onto his front and his hands were tightly bound by a rope. William sat Elliot up in the chair, binding his body with the rope. "You sick son a bitch," Elliot whispered, every breath feeling as though his chest would explode. God, it hurt.

"Shut the fuck up, Stabler," the Beast growled and roughly duct taped Elliot's mouth shut. Elliot saw the back door had been broken in to.

Olivia stepped out of the shower, wondering where Elliot was. She dried off and was confused when she didn't see him in the bedroom. "El?" she called drying her hair with the towel and then walked towards the living room. "Elliot, why didn't you join me in the show..." Olivia froze in fear. The Beast was here, in Elliot's house, looking straight at her. He smiled that sinister smile of his and Olivia let out a bloodcurdling scream. She made a dash for the front door but then William grabbed her roughly from behind. Olivia was able to elbow him in the nose and he instinctively let her go and clutched his nose. Olivia tried to reach for her purse where her gun was but William was quick to pick her up and pin her to the couch.

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