Goodbye, For Now

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*Sorry guys for the super late update!! I hope you all enjoy!! :)*

Elliot was to pick up Eli at 8 a.m. Olivia dreaded the fact they would have to say goodbye, afraid of how she would cope with being alone again. Elliot being with her gave her a sense of protection and peace, and she was annoyed with herself that she was dependent on someone for that, that she couldn't take care of her own damn self.

Liv stirred from a restful sleep, relieved that she hadn't had any nightmares. The clock on the bedside table read 7:00 and Olivia felt a rush of panic; she had less than an hour left with Elliot. She nudged him softly and he muttered a groggy, "what."

"You have to pick Eli up in an hour."

Elliot's eyes opened slowly, squinting in response to the sunlight that was shining through the curtains. "I should've set an alarm," he groaned rubbing his face with his hand.

"Do you need a shower?" Olivia asked and Elliot smirked.

"Yeah, I do," he said and Olivia bit her bottom lip and took Elliot's hand. They took a quick shower, washing each other and kissing underneath the stream of water. The two dressed and ate quick breakfast- coffee and frozen waffles. Elliot apologized for not making a proper breakfast but Olivia shook her head.

"Don't be, El. Plus, I need to go grocery shopping and I should be the one to cook for you. Next time I will," she said rinsing off their syrup covered plates in the sink. Elliot smirked and stood behind Olivia, his hands on her hips. He kissed her neck and traced the shell of her ear with his tongue, sending chills up her spine.

"There's going to be a next time?" he asked and Olivia turned around to face him and narrowed her eyes.

"Of course there will be, why do you say that?"

"I was just making sure," he said and Liv stuck out her tongue at Elliot who kissed her, dominating her mouth with his tongue.

"Oh God," Olivia groaned as Elliot planted kisses along her neck. She looked at the clock on the stove, it was 7:30. "How long will it take you to get to Kathy's place?" she asked Elliot and he thought for a second.

"At least 15 minutes," he replied and Olivia grabbed him by his shirt and kissed him.

"We have time," she muttered into his mouth and Elliot caught on to what she had in mind and smirked. He quickly pulled down Olivia's pants and then his own, uncovering his hardening c*ck. Elliot licked his hand and rubbed Olivia's p*ssy and slipped inside of her, making her gasp at the sudden pleasure she felt as he hit her g-spot. Against the kitchen counter he pounded her harder and harder, not taking his eyes off of hers. Olivia whimpered and rubbed her clit, doubling the sensation and squirting over Elliot's manhood. Elliot pulled out of her and bent Olivia over onto the kitchen island. He slid back inside of her and slammed into her harder than before, and her moans turned into loud cries. She felt her release building and reached back and kissed Elliot and he kneaded her breasts with his hands. They both reached their climax and yelled out in pleasure, calling out each other's names. Olivia's legs were trembling from the aftermath of her orgasm, and Elliot gently sat her up on the counter after pulling out of her. He kissed her softly and after cleaning up it was time to say goodbye.

"I love you," Elliot whispered, running his thumb over Olivia's soft cheek. She smiled and kissed him and leaned her forehead against his.

"I love you too, Elliot," she said and they embraced. Olivia felt tears sting her eyes, but internally scolded herself and forced herself not to cry. But dammit, Elliot knew her too well and looked concerned when he noticed the solemn look on her face.

"Baby, are you alright?" he asked gently and she shrugged and smiled sadly.

"I will be," she whispered and Elliot kissed her forehead.

"I've got to go, but I'll call you tonight," he told her. Olivia nodded and lead Elliot to the door. He tried to hug her but she gently pushed him out into the hall.

"Go, El," she said and shut the door on him, regretting it, but she didn't want Elliot to see her break down, which is exactly what she did. She sat against the door and buried her head in her hands, muffling her sobs. She couldn't bear to see Elliot leave, and her emotional meltdown embarrassed her. She was a grown woman, not some young child with separation anxiety...

The rest of the day Olivia slept, avoiding the loneliness. She awoke at three o'clock, her stomach growling as a result of missing lunch. The thought of getting out of bed was a dreadful one, she felt no motivation and no reason for doing anything if she couldn't do it with Elliot. She knew she was growing dependent on him because without him, everything seemed meaningless. She didn't feel safe without him, she didn't feel she could be alone. Surely that was unhealthy, but Olivia didn't care, as long as it meant Elliot was in her life.

Elliot's POV

"Goodnight little man, sleep well," Elliot told his mini-me after tucking him in for the night. Their day consisted of eating pizza for lunch, seeing a movie, and spending the afternoon at the park. For dinner Elliot cooked up some chicken tenders and mac and cheese, something easy and that Eli would enjoy. Elliot ran his hand through his hair and decided to call Olivia like he had told her he would. He sat on the couch and dialed her number.

"Elliot, hi," Olivia said and Elliot could hear the smile in her voice, making him grin as well.

"Hey babe, what are you up to?"

"Oh, well I just got back from the grocery store not that long ago. How was your day with Elliot Junior?"

"It was great. He goes back to his mom's on Wednesday. How about the three of us spend some time together one day before then?"

"Yeah, that sounds fun. I think Tuesday afternoon will work for me."

"Alright, I'll pick Eli up from school and we can do something then." It was silent for a moment and Elliot smirked. "What are you wearing?"

"A black lace bra and panties to match and I'm touching myself as I lay in bed talking to you," Olivia said and Elliot laughed.

"For real?"

"Nah, I'm wearing sweats and a tank and my hair looks like shit."

"I doubt it, Liv. You look beautiful no matter what you are wearing and no matter what style your hair is in," Elliot said, not just to make her feel good, but also because it was how he genuinely felt about her. "You are perfect in every single way," he whispered.

"Elliot, I am far from perfect," Olivia muttered and Elliot closed his eyes, wishing she wouldn't doubt herself like that. "I miss you," she said and Elliot smiled.

"I miss you too, I'll call you tomorrow evening and we'll make plans for Tuesday, alright?"

"That sounds good. And El?"


"I love you." Elliot smiled again, those three words making his heart flutter.

"I love you too, Liv. Goodnight."

"'Night to you too." They hung up and Elliot laid there in bed with a huge grin on his face, thinking that life couldn't get any better. Meanwhile, Olivia was lying in her bed with tears dribbling down her face, terrified to fall asleep because she knew that when she did, the nightmares would come back because Elliot was not there beside her.

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