Olivia Opens up to Elliot

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It was Saturday morning and Olivia was the first one to awaken. She felt a warm body under her touch, and found herself lying in Elliot's hold, her hand and head on his chest. She sat up and noticed Elliot was sound asleep. Olivia chuckled at the sight of him, in all his adorableness and innocence. Running her fingers through her untidy hair, Olivia recalled the events of the night before and how they had ended up on the couch.

They had woken up from their "evening nap" at about 10 o'clock, both to find their stomachs rumbling in hunger. They agreed on pizza so after their pepperoni pizza and liter of Mt. Dew was delivered, they settled onto the couch, the pizza on the coffee table and enjoying their fatty food and nice conversation.
Afterwards, they had covered up with a blanket while finding a movie to watch on TV. They had drifted off in one another's arms, the movie still playing.

Olivia quietly removed herself from the couch as to not wake Elliot up, and decided to make coffee. Glancing at the clock on the stove, she noticed it was 9:30. On week days she got up at 6, and on the weekends "slept in," if you could call it that, until 7, so today was a record.

Olivia noticed Elliot walking into the kitchen in boxer shorts and a white tshirt, with slits for eyes that were encrusted with eye boogers. She laughed at the sight of him and he grunted in response.

"Can I help you?" he asked in a groggy voice.

"Oh, it's just that I've never seen you in all your morning -ness," Olivia said motioning her hand up and down as she eyed Elliot. He laughed mockingly at her, but then smiled genuinely and kissed her hair. "Coffee?" Olivia asked opening the cabinet for the coffee cups.

"Please," he said sitting at the counter where he had the night before. They were silent as Olivia fixed their coffee and Elliot regained his energy. Olivia slid his cup over to him and after he added some creamer he took a sip, appreciative of the caffeine that would help in waking him up.

"Um, do you want to hang out around here today?" Olivia asked shyly. She dreaded the idea of Elliot leaving. For the first time in over a month, she felt safe with him there. She didn't have any nightmares while she slept in his arms and overall she felt happy.

"That'd be nice," Elliot replied with a smile as he brought the cup up to his lips and taking another sip.

"Oh, what would you like for breakfast?" Olivia asked, losing herself in her thoughts and forgetting that it was morning and that in the morning you eat breakfast.

"You don't have to make anything, I can have a bowl of cereal."

"Elliot," Olivia said in a tone that said "come on now, tell me what you want."

"How about I cook something? What about eggs and bacon?" he suggested.

"Alright, that sounds good, but you don't have to." Elliot gave Olivia a kiss on the cheek, noticing how soft and smooth her skin was.

"I want to, babe," he whispered and Olivia waved a hand in front of her face with a look of disgust on her face.

"Gosh, your breath is rank!" Olivia said and Elliot breathed in her face knowing it'd annoy her. Olivia pushed him away laughing. "Elliot, stop!"

"Ok, ok. I'll go brush my teeth, but do you have another toothbrush I can use?" he asked Olivia. She nodded and lead him to her bathroom and after digging around under the sink she came back up with a new toothbrush.

"Brush good," she said and gave Elliot a kiss on the cheek. She left him there grinning like a fool, a fool in love, that is.

While Olivia sat in the living room reading a novel by her favorite author, Jodie Picoult, Elliot whistled and fried up some bacon and eggs. He remembered how he would do the same thing when he and Kathy were married, but it was different with Olivia, or maybe it was the fact there weren't children around. Speaking of children:

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