Hospital and Precinct

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(pretend that that is Olivia in the pic instead of Kathy lol) Also!!! I wrote this a few years ago and one huge mistake is....Elliot would have obviously been arrested. Someone doesn't just "press charges" when it comes to what Elliot did to William Lewis. He would have been arrested and interrogated but I wanted to get out of writing all of that and a trial, etc. Anyways, enjoy)

Elliot had to go to the hospital before the precinct and he had second-degree burns from the wire hanger William Lewis had branded into his skin. An x-ray showed that he had several broken vertebrae from where William had hit him with the baseball bat, a broken nose, two broken ribs, and a fractured leg. Olivia was okay, thankfully. But she didn't feel grateful... she hated that the Beast had done this to Elliot and she almost wished it had been her instead.

His injuries would take up to 8 to 10 weeks to heal.

"El, I'm so sorry," she said, her lip quivering as the doctor put a brace on Elliot. He had a bandage on his nose and a cast on his leg.

"You didn't do anything," he said waving it off.

"Well if it wasn't for me he wouldn't have hurt you..."

"Liv how does that make sense? You didn't choose for Lewis to kidnap you, it's not like you told him "Hey, Lewis, come torture Elliot for me why don't you?""

"Ok well if you hadn't come back you wouldn't have been hurt." Elliot's eyes widened in response and Olivia realized what she'd just said. "El, I didn't mean it like that," she told him.

"If I wouldn't have come back I wouldn't have been able to save you! And if I hadn't come back we... we wouldn't be here, together.  We wouldn't have given in to our love..."

"Elliot I know that. I just hate how you're hurt and I wish I could have done something to prevent it. I'm so sorry, El," Olivia cried and Elliot pulled her into a stiff hug. The doctor finished up with him after giving him pain medication and Cragen came in.

"It's time to go to the precinct to give a statement," he told the two detectives. Elliot got up on his crutches and Olivia grabbed the medicine for him. She'd be taking care of Elliot for a good while.

They arrived at the precinct and went into an interview room with Amanda and Fin. "How's Lewis?" Olivia asked.

"Well, the knife wound wasn't as deep as it was long so he didn't suffer any punctured organs or anything, but he does have a busted lip, broken nose, a concussion and bruising around his neck," Amanda explained and Elliot and Olivia looked at each other.

"I wish I would have killed him," Elliot muttered rubbing his face.

"Walk us through everything that happened," Fin said and so Elliot and Olivia took turns speaking. From how they were at Coney Island when Olivia saw Lewis up to everything that happened at Elliot's house. Olivia felt like she was going to be sick, especially as Elliot recalled how the Beast had burned him. She still felt responsible... He had to explain when he was the one to "attack" William, how he was about to hurt Olivia and that he wouldn't let that happen.

"If that ass-wipe does press charges, the jury will understand that. I mean, I came to the love of my life's rescue, they would do the same if put in the same situation," Elliot said, trying to convince himself.

"Ok well what about when it comes up that you stabbed Lewis when he called you a pansy?" Amanda asked.

"What do you mean? Are you saying they won't excuse that, that it was my anger?" Elliot said.

"I mean..." Olivia scoffed. 

"Amanda, you're way out of line to say that. Right now, El isn't on trial and you sure as hell don't know what you're talking about seeing as you're just a cop, not a fucking lawyer," Olivia snapped at the blonde, defending Elliot. Amanda raised her eyebrows, and then she too scoffed.

"I'm just trying to be realistic," she said holding up her hands.

"Well the reality of the situation is, I'm not arrested and I'm not being interrogated and so I'm taking Olivia and we're leaving," Elliot said and winced when he struggled to get out of his seat. Olivia helped him up and handed him his crutches.

"We'll be in touch," she said annoyed and the two left the room. 

"How are you two?" Nick asked standing up from his desk. 

"We're leaving," Elliot muttered. Nick looked at Olivia and she just shook her head, hinting that she didn't want Nick to say another thing. Cragen stepped into the squad room. 

"Captain, we're on our way home, if that's alright."

"It is. Just hope that when William Lewis is feeling better he won't be pressing charges."

"I didn't fucking kill him!" Elliot shouted and Olivia put her arm around him to help him out of the room.

"Come on," she said before he could get any angrier. Instead of going back to Elliot's place in Jersey, Olivia waved down a taxi and they went back to her place. Olivia helped Elliot settle down onto the couch and fixed him a glass of water. She sat down beside him and thought about what had happened with the Beast. She hadn't been able to really process it. It had all happened so suddenly... the whole attack, going to the hospital, going to the precinct. Now that they were home it dawned on her how horrific it had been. The same terror she had felt just a few months ago when she had been Elliot in that chair being tortured... oh God she was so sorry for Elliot. He hadn't been tortured for nearly as long as she had, hell not even a full hour but still... she had seen the fear in Elliot's eyes. Olivia's lip trembled and finally she began to cry.

"I'm so sorry," she wailed, wrapping her arms around her legs. Elliot managed to pull her into his arms and she wept on his chest. "I'm so sorry you had to experience that. And you've only been back two weeks tomorrow and..."

"Hey, look at me," Elliot said, and tilted Olivia's chin so that brown eyes met blue. "I'm Elliot Stabler, I'm strong. I'm a bad ass, you know that. I can survive anything," Elliot said soothingly, stroking Olivia's soft cheek with his thumb. Olivia managed a smile and Elliot kissed her sweet lips. "I love you, and nothing could ever come between us, not even the Beast," he whispered. Olivia nodded and sighed, then yawned.

"I need a nap," she said.

"I could use one too. I'm exhausted." They changed into comfier clothes, Olivia cautious not to hurt Elliot more than he already was as she helped him into a tshirt that was too big for her. They were going to have to change his bandages later that night. For now they crawled in bed and Olivia fell asleep surprisingly fast, despite the events of that day that had caused them great angst and stress. Elliot on the other hand lay on his back, restless. He was in pain, and he couldn't get the Beast out of his head. Why hadn't he killed the SOB? El shook his head; he knew why. He didn't want to do that to Olivia. Had he murdered Lewis he would have been sentenced to prison, and he knew Olivia needed him and quite frankly... Elliot needed, and very badly, wanted Olivia. He turned his head to watch her as her body steadily rose up and down with every breath she took. Elliot could hear her breathing, and the sound seemed to ease his pain because he went to sleep.

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