Family Fun Day

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Olivia was sound asleep when a huge bang in the kitchen startled her awake. She reached for her gun but realized that 1- she was at Elliot's house, and 2- she didn't have her gun with her. She heard Eli whining and after using the bathroom Olivia went into the kitchen where Eli was pouting and Elliot was stirring pancake mix.

"Good morning, sunshine," he told Olivia. Her hair was disheveled and she had a big crease on her face from the bed, but still, she was so beautiful.

Olivia managed a smile as she squinted from the bright sun that filled the room. "'Morning. What was that big noise I heard?" 

"Daddy won't let me help make pancakes because I dropped the pan!" Eli exclaimed with an angry stomp of his foot.

"Well surely he'll let you stir, won't you daddy?" Olivia asked Elliot who smirked at the nickname.

"Sure. I'll get the eggs started." Eli stood on a little stool at the counter and Olivia helped him stir the pancake mixture while Elliot began scrambling cheesy eggs.

"Is there room for us over there at the stove?" Olivia asked Elliot.

"I guess I can make room for two more," he said with a smile. Olivia smiled back and grabbed a clean skillet and sprayed it. She helped Eli carefully pour some of the mixture into the skillet and explained how to tell when the pancakes are ready to be flipped.

"Olivia, a bubble!" he exclaimed excitedly and pointed. "Let's flip it," he said grabbing the spatula but Olivia laughed and grabbed his hand.

"Hold on there kiddo. There has to be a lot of bubbles, not just one. I'll show you." Elliot glanced at his girlfriend and son and grinned and Olivia caught his eye. They stared at each other for a moment and then Olivia turned back to the pancakes. "Ok, it's ready to be flipped. Want to help me out?"

Eli nodded eagerly and so together they flipped the pancake. After the pancakes were finished, Elliot was done with the eggs and then bacon. "Liv, can I fix you a cup of coffee?" Olivia was fixing Eli's plate and nodded.

"That'd be nice," she said and handed Eli his plate. "Eli, do you want some orange juice?" She asked looking in the fridge.

"Yes please." She was looking for the cups and Elliot opened the correct cabinet for her and handed Olivia Eli's favorite Toy Story cup. She filled it with orange juice and took it over to the little boy who was waiting patiently for everyone to sit down before eating. Olivia smiled and ruffled his hair.

"You're a little gentlemen. Did you get that from your dad?" She asked winking at Elliot who had fixed Olivia's plate and coffee and sat them down on the table.

"I'm just like that," Eli shrugged and they both laughed.

"Mommy and I taught you manners, silly boy," Elliot reminded him.

"Olivia, mommy and daddy don't love each other anymore," Eli pouted and Olivia and Elliot glanced at each other awkwardly.

"Um, well, parents go through things and after trying to work them out, they sometimes realize that they don't have the same connection that they used to anymore. But it doesn't mean she doesn't love you anymore," Olivia explained and sat down at the table. Elliot joined them and they began eating.

"Daddy, is Livvy your girlfriend?" Again, another awkward glance. Elliot then smiled and chewed his pancake before speaking.

"You know what, buddy? She is. I love her very much," he said taking Olivia's hand in hers. She grinned from ear to ear and Eli smiled too.

"I knew that," he said matter-of-factly. Elliot squinted at him.

"You did?" Eli nodded.

"It's obvious," he said with a wave of his hand, eliciting laughs from Elliot and Olivia. They continued to eat breakfast as they planned their day.

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