The Nightmare

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"GAHHHHHHH," Olivia screamed as she heard the sizzle of the scorching wire singe her skin. That sound made the pain 10x worse. The Beast left it on her for 10 seconds and it burned into her skin, sending her nerve endings on a frenzy of unbearable agony. "PLEASE, WILLIAM, STOP!!" Olivia wailed as tears streamed down her face. He carefully pulled the wire out that had embedded itself in her skin, and Olivia cried as it ached and throbbed and continued to sear with pain.

"Would you like something to make that feel better?" The Beast asked and Olivia nodded her head frantically. He smirked and grabbed her head in a forceful kiss. "Then you'll have to do as I say," he whispered in her ear, freeing her hands from the ropes he had bound her to the chair in. The Beast grabbed Olivia by the hair and threw her on the bed, kicking her in the stomach when she tried to get up. She cried in more pain and he unbelted his pants and placed himself in front of Olivia's mouth.

Olivia couldn't wake up. Why couldn't she wake up?? Just as The Beast was about to make her do the unspeakable, Olivia jerked awake, her skin feeling as though the dream was real, that she had actually been tortured with burning wire. She sat up, trembling from head to toe and covered in sweat. She began to sob and rocked back and forth as she wrapped her arms around herself. Olivia glanced at the clock; it was 3 in the morning. She thought of Elliot and continued to cry. She needed him, bad, but she didn't want to bother him at this hour. Olivia got up and made herself a cup of tea after turning on every light in the apartment. She curled up on the couch and sipped on her warm beverage and tried escaping into the novel she was reading, but she couldn't. Images of William Lewis kept flashing in her mind, giving her a migraine. Olivia took some ibuprofen and looked at her phone. She shook her head and sighed, and then dialed Elliot's number. By the fourth ring she didn't think he was going to answer but she was surprised when she heard the line pick up.

"Olivia?" Elliot said groggily

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"Olivia?" Elliot said groggily. Olivia closed her eyes, feeling extreme guilt for doing this to him.

"El, Elliot," she stuttered. "I um, I'm sorry for calling you so late."

"Is everything okay?"

"No it's not. I know it's stupid but I had a nightmare and it was awful, and I tried to read but I can't stop thinking about him and I need you," Olivia rambled anxiously.

"Alright, ok. Do you need to see me?"

"I mean, if it's okay with you. If you want to go back to sleep you can tell me..."

"Olivia, I would never go back to sleep on you like this, not when you're this frantic baby," Elliot said softly and through her tears Olivia managed a small smile. How did she deserve this sweet, caring man?

"Ok, um, thank you. I can drive over there if you're okay with that."

"That'd be fine. I'll text you my address. Just let me know when you get here, ok?"

"Ok, El. I love you."

"I love you too, Liv." Olivia threw on some sweats and a jacket and after putting on shoes she left her apartment and got in her car. She listened to some music as she drove over to Jersey and arrived at Elliot's about 45 minutes later. She texted Elliot notifying him that she was at his place and waited until he opened the front door in his boxers and a tank top. Olivia giggled at the sight and placed a hand on his chest and kissed him on the lips.

"You're adorable," she said and Elliot chuckled and let her inside. "How was your day with Eli?" Olivia asked in a whisper. It was a one story house and she didn't want the young boy to wake up.

"It was great. We went out for pizza and saw a movie and spent the afternoon at the park. Would you like something to drink?"

"A glass of water would be fine. And that sounds like a really lovely day," Olivia said leaning against the kitchen counter.

"It was. I enjoyed it and I know little man did too." Elliot and Olivia sat on the couch snuggled up close to each other, Olivia's arms wrapped around Elliot and her head on his chest. "Do you want to tell me about your nightmare?" he asked planting a kiss on Olivia's head.

"Um, not right now. I'd like to just sit here," she said and looked up at Elliot. He smiled and kissed her on the nose, making Olivia giggle.

"Sounds good to me," he replied. They sat there talking about their jobs and about Elliot's kids. Olivia found such solace and comfort in Elliot's strong arms. Without him she felt she couldn't function, just look at her with the nightmare she just had! When he's with her, she doesn't have them.

"I don't want to leave you," Olivia whispered in Elliot's ear and he noticed the fear in her voice. He sat Olivia up and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"You don't have to," he said shaking his head.

"No, like ever. You make me feel safe," she said, her lip quavering. She shook her head and the tears spilled over. Elliot realized that whatever the nightmare was, it was serious. Olivia was shaking and Elliot wrapped her in his embrace.

"Shh, I'm right here," he whispered soothingly and kissed her softly on the head.

"He was burning me! He was torturing me. He was about to rape me. I woke up in sweat, my skin felt like it was fire, like it had actually happened," Olivia wailed and began to hyperventilate. Elliot pulled away and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Olivia, I need you to breathe," he said trying to catch Olivia's averting gaze. "Liv, look at me!" he exclaimed to get her attention as she trembled and breathed uncontrollably. Finally she looked at him. "Deep breaths, ok?" Elliot said and took a deep breath and Olivia followed. They did that about five times and then they heard little footsteps and Eli stepped in the living room.

"What's going on? Olivia?" He said wiping his tired eyes. Olivia wiped her eyes and tried to stop shaking so bad. She didn't want to scare little Eli.

"Go back to bed, buddy. Olivia needed a friend. She's going to stay with us for right now, ok?" Eli nodded and ran over to Olivia.

"I'm sorry you're upset," he said sweetly, all innocent and genuine. Olivia smiled at him and gave him a hug.

"Thank you," she said rubbing his back.

"I'm going back to bed," Eli told them and ran off. Olivia chuckled and ran a hand through her hair. She looked at the time on her phone and it was 5 o'clock.

"Let's go to bed," Elliot said and Olivia gave him a questioning look.

"I can just sleep on the couch. Eli doesn't need to find out we're together, does he?"

"So what if he does?" Elliot asked and she shrugged. Elliot took Olivia's hand and lead her to his bedroom. They crawled in bed and Elliot pulled Olivia in his arms. Her head was on his chest and the sound of his beating heart lulled her into a peaceful, nightmare-free sleep.

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