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For dinner that night Elliot and Olivia ordered pizza and tried to relax as best they could. It seemed unreal that just today William Lewis had attacked the two of them... It had been such a long day.

"Babe we really need to go get your things. You know, some clothes, our cars..." Olivia said and Elliot nodded and sighed.

"I know, Liv. We will in the morning. And who says I can't sleep in the buff?" Olivia laughed and bit her lip, then kissed Elliot. Gosh, he made her feel so safe, so protected and loved.

"Ok, well I'm going to wash your clothes and we'll have a shower alright?" After throwing in Elliot's clothes, she helped him in the shower. Elliot made sure not to get his bandaged arm wet and Olivia helped wash him. He felt so stupid, so needy. He was the one who was supposed to take care of Olivia, not the other way around.

"Just let me do it," he muttered and turned to grab the soap but grunted in pain.

"El, that's why I'm going to do it for you, honey. You're hurt."

"Well you shouldn't have to! I'm a grown-ass man!" he shouted at her. Olivia looked down and Elliot regretted raising his voice.

"Liv I'm sorry, it's just...embarrassing," he said with a sigh. She nodded and began washing his chest.

"I know. But sometimes you have to let others take care of you, grown-ass man or not. And it's me, I've seen you vulnerable before. I've seen you cry, in pain... although this time we're a couple, and so that should be comforting." Elliot sighed.

"But I'm supposed to take care of you." Olivia stopped what she was doing and looked at Elliot.

"You are taking care of me. El, without you my PTSD is triggered. I have nightmares, I'm terrified. Just you being here is taking care of me in and of itself," Olivia said softly. Elliot smiled down at her and stroked her cheek with his thumb, then kissed her under the streaming water. After kissing him for a minute, Olivia pulled back and cupped Elliot's cheek in her hand. "We're taking care of each other," she whispered, her voice breaking. She loved this man, she didn't deserve him. They finished showering and Olivia put fresh bandages on Elliot's wounds, then helped clothe him. She fixed him a glass of water and he took his pain medication. They crawled in bed for the night and both had trouble sleeping, their minds reeling with images of what had happened with the Beast. But each other's presence was comforting and finally they drifted off to sleep.


The next morning Elliot woke up groaning in pain. His burn wounds were itching, his back stabbing him with pain, and his leg throbbed. He reached out with a stiff arm for his medicine and knocked over the cup of water that was on the bedside table. "God damnit," he muttered and Olivia stirred awake.

"Hm?" she muttered as she rolled onto her other side.

"It's nothing, Liv," Elliot replied, not wanting to bother her with his needy self. He tried going back to sleep but the pain kept him awake. "Fuck this," he mumbled and managed to sit up in bed. Olivia slowly opened her eyes, and then remembered the day before.

"What do you need baby?" she asked, stretching and slowly sitting up herself. God, she was exhausted.

"I knocked over my water. I need my medicine."

"Ok, I can help you hon," Olivia said and kissed Elliot on the cheek. "That's what I'm here for." He smiled at her and she helped him out. "When are we going back to your place to get your things and the cars?" Liv asked while she made the bed. She used to never make her bed, but after her situation with Lewis she did daily. She learned that any type of chore that kept her busy helped keep her focused and not as depressed.

"We can go soon."

"Ok, I'll fix you something to eat."

"Liv, I can make breakfast," he said and Olivia rolled her eyes.

"For crying out loud, El look at you! You wince with every move you make, you have a broken leg, ribs, back... Let me take care of you, ok? So go in the living room, settle down onto the couch, and I'll make you breakfast," Olivia said strictly and Elliot grinned.

"Yes, officer," he said and Olivia rolled her eyes.

"I'm serious, El."

"I know you are. I just- gosh this is so hard," Elliot mumbled running a hand through his hair. Olivia gave him a kiss on the lips.

"I know, but there's nothing to be embarrassed about. Like I said, we're taking care of each other." Elliot nodded, knowing she was right. He sat on the couch, propping his legs up and watched the news where it showed William Lewis and he quickly turned the channel so that Olivia wouldn't see but she had.

"He's in prison for life, he's in the hole. He can't escape so...whatever, it's over," Olivia said with a sigh and wave of her hand. Elliot managed a smile and turned on Family Guy instead. He needed a good laugh. Olivia made the two of them coffee, toast, bacon and eggs and ate in the living room, then got ready to leave. A cab took them to Elliot's place in Jersey and Olivia helped pack a suitcase. Then they stopped at Kathy's house and caught her up on the latest events. After it was all over, meaning, after Elliot wasn't pressed with charges, they would spend time with Eli again. It was just too stressful right now.

Olivia and Elliot drove back to her place in separate cars, and spent the day doing nothing in particular. Olivia cleaned her apartment to distract herself, while Elliot watched a couple of movies. Later, she made an appointment with Dr. Lindstrom for the following Thursday. She needed the professional help in navigating this, and she knew Elliot did, too, but when had he ever agreed to go to therapy?

Healing Love (A Bensler fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now