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I've known who my mate was since I was 6 years old. Someone brought me to the castle, I'm assuming my parents, and left me there. They just, left me there.

I had no idea what the hell a Protector was, or why I got the mark. I guess the Moon Goddess saw something in me, something I never saw. She gave me the arrow on my wrist, and the strength and agility that came with it. But then again, she also gave me my mate.

His name was Tyler Marcus, Prince of Wolves, and an all around asshat.

He was so beautiful it hurt, getting deep set dimples and forest green eyes from his father, and high cheekbones and tinted dark brown hair from his mother. His face was sculpted, strong and sharp, and it made every girl within a five mile radius fall in love with him within seconds.

I should know, I had to stand by and watch.

Since the day I turned ten, I watched him from the back ground. I saved him countless times, from Rogues, vampires, and the occasional inside job. He didn't know this of course, but his parents did.

Xander and Ashe Marcus, the King of Wolves and daughter of the Moon Goddess. I'm not sure what the Queen saw in me, but as soon as I entered that castle she told me I was already her daughter.

Maybe it was my white hair, or ocean eyes, or maybe it was the fact she taught me how to play the piano, but she saw something in me. I never felt love in my entire life, from anyone, except her. Yes, I had a team of Protectors that was like the closest thing I had to family, they weren't actually family.

There was six of us, including me. We were each given a race to protect, regardless of whether or not others considered them evil. Not all Vampires were evil, only the Rogue ones.

I was the shifter Protector, Ethan was the Vampire, Joseph was the Fae, Mariah was the merpeople, Jessie was the angel, and David was the Protector to the human kind. We had each been found, identified by the arrow on the inside of our wrist.

No one knew of us except the royal families, and only the King and Queen of each world knew. To everyone else in our worlds, we were just a myth. Almost always confused with Hunters, we never killed innocent lives. We, ourselves, were far from innocent.

I've killed hundreds of shifters, and it effected me. I almost never slept, I rarely showed emotions, and my body was constantly riddled with bruises and scars. I didn't eat much, I relied on the power I took from those I killed, prolonging my life.

Each of us were also almost always hybrids, except for Mariah. She was a full wolf, while the rest of us were typically mixed with who we were protecting. I was mixed with Vampire, along with Ethan.

While Ethan relied on blood like regular vampires, the only thing I got from them was the their extreme speed and reflexes. I did go in bloodlust sometimes, which could only be controlled by slaughtering so many Rogues I would lose count.

It was embarrassing, but it happens.

I remember the day I found out my mate was in love with a girl. The worst part was, I couldn't even been mad. He had never met or seen me, so he didn't feel the pull as much as I did. But what was even worse, was the fact she was so kind.

She was beautiful, with bright red hair and green eyes like Tyler. She was smart, a straight A student and was an incredibly gifted fighter. She loved Tyler for who he was, not for his power or position.

But she broke his heart, and slept with another unmated wolf at a party. I was watching from the branch of my tree like always, listening and watching even when I shouldn't. I saw him walk in on them the next morning, and my heart broke for him. I felt the pain through our bond, his anger and the loss of any trust towards anyone hit me like tidal waves.

He changed after that. Who knew that having your heart broke at fifteen could effect someone so much?

He became cold and ruthless, flung after flung with different girls. He almost always dated redheads, always telling his small group of friends that it was just because they were his type. But I knew, I knew the true reason he kept dating them.

He thought having someone like her would mend his heart, but it never did. He killed with no guilt, no blinking when he wouldn't proclaim his love to any of his girlfriends. Everyone thought he slept with them, but to tell you the truth?

He never did.

I watched him, felt him, but he never touched them below the belt. Every time he refused a girl, I couldn't help but smile. As broken as he was, as cold and ruthless as he was, he was still saving himself for his mate. To tell you the truth, so was I.

I never kissed anyone, not that I had much human interaction to begin with. I had a secret room in the palace for when I slept and showered, the occasional conversation with the servants were the most I usually got.

I was close with the King and Queen, but only the Queen knew who was my true mate. Every morning after a date, she would look at me with pity am amazement. She always scolded her son, but wouldn't tell him a word of his mate. When his seventeenth birthday came and passed, and he still hadn't found her, it became so much worse.

He came close to having sex with them, but could never pull the trigger. I would watch from my branch, tense and squeezing my eyes shut. I would try to block out everything I heard, felt, but I never could. Until he wouldn't throw them out minutes later, I wouldn't be able to breathe.

But everything changed on the week after my seventeenth birthday. I felt the pull so much stronger now, it drive me crazy. I thought I would never have to officially meet him, but god, was I wrong.

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