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I really apologize for how subpar my writing has been lately, I hope this is okay for you guys. I have been writing another story and haven't published it yet, the idea just kinda burst into my brain and I haven't been able to not write it. So I hope this chapter makes up for it.


Everything blurred the next two days. All I could think about was the pain in Tyler's eyes, the disgust that loomed in them. It was ruining me, every time I shut my eyes to blink or sleep, all I saw were those green eyes that had been haunting me for so long.

I woke up the morning I was going to die, happy.

I couldn't explain it, maybe I had just finally accepted death. Maybe it was just the guilt that was eating me alive, either way, I woke up happy. I almost didn't want to die, I almost just wanted to escape and find Tyler and apologize.

But I guess too little too late is a very real saying.

The knocking on my door stirred me out of my thoughts, the door opening shortly after and my father walking through. His gaze was harsh as he looked at me, but then again, it had always been harsh. I narrowed my eyes slightly, swinging my legs from my bed as I stood in front of him.

"You are no longer my daughter, your death will be a blessing." He lurched his fist forward, finding its spot in my stomach.

Well, that felt fan-fucking-tastic.

I don't know what it is, but I just felt more alive. I smirked as I stood up, snarling at him as I spoke. "That's all you got old man? I'm a Protector, a punch to the stomach is a piece of cake."

He smiled, the horrific smile he had given me in my dream weeks ago, and left my room leaving me completely confused. I staggered into the bathroom, turning the shower on till it was near boiling.

I shut my eyes at the hot water hit my skin, thinking of the day when Ashe told me how Xander asked her to marry him. I had went to her sobbing, Tyler had just asked a girl to a dance and had kissed her. She pulled me into an embrace that only a mother could give, stroking my hair while I soaked through her shirt with my tears.

"Do you want to know how Xander asked me to marry him?" I nodded my head feverishly, desperately clinging onto the hope I could have a happy ending. "We had just finished fully mating-"

"Okay, maybe I don't want to know." She laughed at my face, I'm sure was full or horror with red rimmed eyes and an even redder nose.

"I went to take a shower, and he popped into the shower with me."

"I feel like I shouldn't be hearing this." She chuckled as the door to the library opened, Xander walking in. He furrowed his eyebrows at the sight before him, looking to Ashe for answers.

"What happened?" Ashe smiled back at him, a pang of jealousy running through my chest until it assaulted my heart. I ran my hand over the center of my chest, rubbing it in circles.

"I'm just telling her how you asked me to marry you." He grinned at the memory, his eyes shining as he looked back to his mate.

King Xander was a hard man, but around Ashe and Tyler he was so light hearted. Even around his Beta and his Delta, he still was lightly reserved.

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