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I didn't mean to go on a rampage. I didn't mean to start throwing shit around and I certainly didn't mean for me to have a break down in the middle of the garden. The garden was no longer the pristine sanctuary that the Queen wanted it to be, it was a mess of thrown flowers and broken wood. I stood amongst all of it, smack dab in the center, clutching my head as I tried to forget everything.

I could only hope it was me that was going to die.

"Lena!" I looked up to Ethan, running to me with complete worry on his face. His hands shook as he took me in, he'd never seen me like this. No one had.

I felt the presence of everyone behind him, but I simply stood up and shut my eyes. I shifted into my wolf, letting my clothes tear as I fell to the ground. I set my head in between my paws and shut my eyes, trying to shut out the words they were saying to me. But I felt a string inside of me pull tight, the strangest feeling in the world washing over me as my body involuntarily shifted back.

I lay there in all of my naked glory, wincing at the pain of my bones shifting and breaking without my consent. Moments later I shifted right back to my wolf form, gritting my canines as I tried to not cry out in pain.

It went of for minutes, constantly shifting back and forth as a string inside of me pulled tighter and tighter. I could here shouts and fighting, the air around me bussing with so much energy it was driving me insane. I could feel by the air that Tyler was there, when I was human his hand would be stroking my cheek and covering my body.

I don't know how long it was that I continued like that, when the string just snapped. I lay in my human form, the sun long gone and my bones screaming in agony. I squeezed my eyes shut as someone put their arms around me, frenzied shockwaves rolling through me.

I was in someone's hands now, Tyler's hands, and I felt him picking me up and bringing me somewhere. The familiar smell of antiseptic hit me as I cringed away from it, a small chuckle finding its way to my ears.

"Tyler." I whimpered out, his grasp on me tightening. His breath hit my skin in hot pants, hit heart racing under my ear.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry I don't know if I'll ever be able to tell you how much I love you, and how sorry I am." I felt something wet touch my forehead, rolling back into my damp hair.

"Sorry for what? You didn't do anything." I heard him sigh, lifting me up just a tad bit more. I opened my eyes slightly to see his hurt face, guilt wrapping itself around it.

"For this."

His canines elongated and in seconds he sunk them into the curve of my neck. I gasped as pain shot through me, a cry escaping my mouth before I could stop it. I whimpered as he kept his teeth in me, his fingers gripping into my skin.

The pain turned to pleasure as I moaned softly, my body becoming drowsy as I slumped against him. He took his teeth out of me and licked up the trail of blood, causing me to shiver under him. He kissed my mark once more, causing my heart to race as my breath hitched. I rolled my bottom lip through my teeth, desperately trying to stop the shiver of pleasure rolling through me.

"I love you, and I can't stand not being with you anymore. That's why I did this, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

I finally felt my eyelids droop, the drowsiness I experienced early finally hitting me full force. I dropped straight into his body, his arms wrapping me to stop me from falling farther than I already had. 


I woke up on his bed, his scent wrapped around me instead of his arms. I frowned as I stood up, swinging my legs over the edge of his bed. My feet touched the cold wooden floor, my toes immediately curling as I winced.

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