Twenty One

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I eyed the door to the dungeon in the castle, chattering around me. I could practically feel the sorrow from Damon down in his cell, and I knew Ethan felt the same way. Ethan hadn't told me he was his mate directly, but I watched him creep into the cells countless times.

I swallowed whatever fear I had that was creeping up my throat, and began the descent down the creepy ass stairs. I slipped through the doors closing off the dungeon when the guards were switching patrols, inching closer to his cell when I heard him speaking.

"Ethan, you need to go. They'll come back soon." His voice broke while he spoke, the pure sorrow radiating from his body.

"I can't leave you, I'm scared one day I'll leave you and you won't be here when I come back." I shut my eyes, I had to get him out.

"If one day that happens, you have to move on. I want you to be happy."

"But you're what makes me happy." I stepped around the corner and found Ethan clutching Damons hand through the metal bars. They both looked up to me in both confusion and shock, Ethan inching closer to Damon.

"I'm getting you out." Ethan stood up and clutched onto me, tears falling and soaking through my hair. I shut my eyes at his shaky breaths, knowing it was going to be hell trying to get Damon out.

I stepped back from Ethan and looked at Damons wide eyes, his mouth slightly ajar. "Why? I've been nothing but awful to you."

"Ethan is like my brother, and you actually are my brother. I trust you, as stupid as that may be." He shook his head at me, shutting his eyes as a lone tear cascaded down his cheek.

"I won't fuck this u-"

"Good, because if you do I'm castrating both of you." Ethan fake gasped at me while Damon simply chuckled, his eyes never leaving Ethan.

I know he really loved him by the way his dark eyes shined, that and the fact he looked at him the way I looked at Tyler. Which reminds me, I have some serious making out to do with him to make up for lost time.

I waved goodbye as I made my way up the stairs quietly, my heart racing as I finally shut the door behind me. I sighed as I began walking up the stairs to Tyler's office, waving at the occasional pack member. I had only been back for close to two weeks, a week since Jessie's funeral, and this was the most time I had spent alone.

I knocked on Tyler's office door before pushing it open, smiling at Tyler's surprised face. "Is everything okay?"

I nodded as I made my way over to him, the sound of my feet padding against the thick carpet filling the room. "Everything's fine, just wanted to see if you were busy."

He shut a file in front of him, pushing himself off of the chair he sat in. He walked the few feet to me, pushing a piece of hair behind my ear. "I'm free, did you need something?"

I shook my head and gave him a mischief smile before tugging on his hand, pulling him behind me down the hallway to our bedroom. "What's going o-"

"Sh." I put my index finger against his lips, causing him to cross his eyes and eye it. I grinned as I opened our door, pushing him in and onto the bed.

His eyes almost immediately turned black, his breathing a tad bit ragged. I pulled myself over him, grinning at how I could turn him on so fast. I pressed my lips to the base of his throat, giving him open mouth kisses while I felt him grow hard and press against my thigh. He began moving his hands to cup my ass, but I pulled them off of me and pressed them to his sides.

"I'm in control for once, sit still and look pretty for me." He nodded wide eyed, my fingers grazing the hem of his shirt. I tugged it off quickly, kissing down his heat till I was right above his jeans.

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