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All I could think about was Tyler's face when he left. For the first time, it was him who built the wall around his head for me. He wasn't letting me in, but I couldn't exactly blame him. He didn't even know everything, but I didn't want to break his heart.

I was so close to rejecting him so many times. I would be standing on a branch, simply watching him talk to me at the lake. My voice would be so low, it would carry itself into the wind and I pro the Goddess herself, breaking the bond.

"I, Lena Dupree, reject-"

But I could never finish it. I would always stop myself midway, because I would see the side of his face. Memories of watching him would crush into me, it honestly drove me wild. He was the love of my life, even before he met me.

I remember the glint in his eyes as he chased around his father in their wolf form. The way he laughed when his mother pushed him into the pool, only to be pushed in herself by her mate. His first kiss, with a girl he swore was his mate until he actually turned 15, and she wasn't.

I walked away from the hospital and found my way to his room. I curled up into his bed, pressure building behind my eyes as I didn't let any tears fall. But like everything in my life, it eventually crashed and broke.

Sobs racked my chest, sobs I didn't even know I had inside of me. I tried to curl into myself, make myself as small as possible, anything to take me from this world. I lay there for so long, until my tears ran dry and the sun had set, leaving me in a dark room that smelt like him.

The door swung open as the scent of Tyler and vodka crashed into the air. I wrinkled my nose as I sat up, the air flashing on as I took everything in. Tyler looked a mess, his eyes glassy and his hair everywhere. He clutched onto a clear bottle, halfway full. He smiled lazily at me, staggering in a few steps.

"Tyler?" I stood up off the bed, taking a slight step towards him. He bared his teeth at me before bursting out laughing.

"You're supposed to protect me, but yet I got drunk!" I reached to him as he stepped back, his hand leaning against the wall to support him. "Yes you love me, you love me."

I nodded my head, taking small steps to try to not have him notice. "I do Tyler, I never lied about that."

"Liar liar pants on fire." He looked at the shorts I was wearing, scrunching his nose at me. "You're pants aren't on fire, maybe you're not lying."

I took the last step and hoisted him up, dragging him to his bed. I pulled off his shirt before leaning over, taking off his shoes and socks. I reached to unbutton his jeans when his hand grasped my wrist, my eyes finding his. They were black and glassy, showing jus how drunk and horny he really was.

"If you wanted me to fuck you you should've just asked!" He giggled, pushing his fake hair from his face. "I mean, I haven't had sex with anyone, and I'm a horny teenage wolf. We gotta at some point ya knoooow."

I rolled my eyes, slapping his hand away. I pulled his pants down and pushed him into his bed, pulling up the covers around him. I sat at the edge of the bed and pushed his hair away again, twirling a wavy lock around my finger.

"Tyler, you're drunk. You were mad at me literally a couple of hours ago." He growled lowly, halfway through the growl it turned into a chuckle.

"Pfft, who cares. As long as that's the only thing that you lied about, I at the moment, do not care the foggiest." I chuckled at his drunk demeanor, running my thumb over his cheek. "Why won't you let me mark you?"

I froze in he middle of touching him, my eyes staring into his forest green eyes. "For your protection. If anyone found out about you being my mate, you'd be dead."

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