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I can't explain the way it felt to rip out Davids throat and bathe in his blood. It was warm, and ran down my throats so smoothly that I couldn't believe I had never tasted blood before. Damon looked pained while I ripped out his beloveds throats, but he didn't move until I lunged for my fathers.

He and Alec held me down, hissing at me as I growled. I could feel my wolf whimpering inside of me, but all I could think about was the sound of blood running through everyone's veins.

Alex and Damon gripped my arms as they dragged me somewhere, shoving me into a car before wrapping a rope around my arms and legs. The rope burned as I thrashed against it, my eyes burning silver as I roared at them. The car started moving, driving for close to an hour before it finally stopped. My brother stepped out with Alec pushing me out of the car, the palace looking over me.

"Just wait till they get a hold of you." I growled at my brother, the door in front of me slamming open. Ethan ran outside with Mariah and Jessie behind him, the sound of Tyler shouting from indoors.

"Lena, what the hella happened to you!" I hissed at Ethan, his face blurring as I took him in. I took a deep breath, the smell of lemons and warmth assaulting me, but something else overpowered it.

Salt and iron, the tang I had grown to adore. I opened my eyes and grinned, hearing the sound of blood roaring in my ears. Something grew in my canines, longer until they peaked my bottom lip. I licked my lips with my dry tongue, feeling my claws elongate as I took a step.

That's when a warrior tried to take me out. I whipped out if its way before pouncing on it, my teeth ripping out its aorta. Blood poured out of him as I drank it all in, lapping as the blood covered my body and his quietly died out.

I dropped him to find Ethan staring at me in horror, Mariah's tears falling down her face with Jessie trying to hold her. I grinned, my teeth covered in red. A crash sounded as Tyler ran out of the house, his mother and father scrambling after him.

He halted when he saw me, my nose scrunching at him. I didn't want to kill him, even though I could feel the warmth of his blood from here. My eyes flashed between all of them, something was stopping me from ripping into their veins and drinking everything they had in them.

"Leona, feed." I looked to my father, my eyes narrowing on his throat.

He looked tasty, I could kill him, right?

I took a step to Ethan before spinning and grabbing my father. He roared when I bit into his wrist, ripping me off of him and throwing me into a huge oak tree. My body screamed as I collapsed on the ground, my body grinning maliciously as I lifted my head from the ground.

"Run little man, run." I stood up and in a flash I lifted him above the ground withy hand, my claws elongating as they poked into his skin. Blood blossomed, my gaze staring intently as it rolled down his skin.

I brought it to my mouth in a matter of seconds and tasted the blood on my tongue, basking in the warmth it gave me. I drank until I felt his body get ripped off of me, my fangs elongating farther as I hissed at Alec.

He hissed back at me, standing in front of my meal who was still breathing. "Leona! Stop this!"

"You are not of any authority to address me in that matter!" I lunged and threw him in the direction of the home, his body connecting with a marble column.

The column cracked and fell on top of his body, a groan leaving his lips. Tyler stepped forward, his hand out in front of him as he walked to me. "Lena, Lena calm down."

"Lena is not my name mutt, her dog is in the back of my mind. She is dormant, and now I is time I feed." He gaped at my words, Xander rushing forward. I growled, baring my teeth at Tyler's father. "I do not want to hurt my mates father, let me feed!"

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