Eight ~ Tyler

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Even with her hair matted with blood, twigs and leaves sticking everywhere, and sweat and grime plastered to her body, she still managed to look phenomenal. She glowed when she scrambled into the room, everyone's eyes snapping to her. She held so much power within her eyes, which were no longer the ocean blue that drive me wild, but an intense silver that shifted lilac in the light.

It wasn't until she collapsed and let out a scream that everyone snapped out of the daze she held us in, my feet running to her crumpled body. My skin felt on fire as it held her, fear coursing through me as I screamed for the Pack Doctor.

"Angelina! Angelina get here now!" I screamed for her. My mother sat across her body with me, and somehow she looked more terrified than I did. Her eyes were glowing as well as Lena's, even though Lena's eyes were hallway closed. Her skin was ghastly pale, Vampire pale.

I looked up when I saw Angelina running in, grabbing her body as she put it on a gurney. I scrambled after her desperately, the doors shutting behind the gurney and my mother. I tried pushing it open but my father grasped onto my arm, shaking his head at me.

I growled as I tried to get out of his grip, desperately trying to find my mate. I felt tears rolling down my face, my heart crumpling inside of me. It was only a knife, it wasn't even a silver knife. Why wasn't she healing? Why was she still bleeding?

I pulled my knees up to my body as I slid down the walk, shutting my eyes in a desperate attempt to block everything out and try to listen in on the room. Try to find her heart beat, feel her breathing, something, anything.

I sat there for hours, my mother still behind the doors with Lena. Alex and John sat by me, Lena's friends no where to be found in the past few hours. I sighed as I recounted the ceiling tiles, the same stain mocking me. It looked like a cloud I noticed the day Lena started at my high school.

I smiled as I remember the shock I felt at seeing her ocean eyes hitting mine in English, a small smile playing on her lips as she strut past me. I remember her anger, that somehow turned me on, even when it shouldn't. How she was so fierce, how I was never worried about saving her; purely for the fact she could always save herself.

But right now, I wasn't so sure.


It was five hours.




Nothing. No one said a word to me. The silent hum was broken when that guy Lena always hung around ran in, with Mariah and their group of friends behind him. They all wore leather and black, knifes strapped to their legs and guns strapped under their arms. My eyes widened as I took them in, sweat shining against their skin.

"What the hell?" Alex shouted, his mate Mariah looking back at him with wide eyes.

Ethan glanced back to Mariah and Joseph, two other guys trailing behind them. He sighed, running his hands through his hair. "Your mother should really explain this to you with Lena, she's technically the Alpha to us."

"What the hell do you mean, Alpha?"

They simply looked around and shrugged at one another, scratching the back of their necks. I raised my eyebrows, looking back to Alex and John. They both looked just as confused as me, not sure exactly what the hell was going on. Mariah took a step towards Alex, reaching out and grabbing his hand. She pulled him closer to her, relaxing once his scent overwhelmed her.

That should be me and Lena.

That should be me and my mate.

"Im going to go explain to him, all of you guys go in her room and talk to the Queen." She tugged on his hand as she led him out of the pack hospital, the silence they left behind was deafening.

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