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The car ride with peter was anything but awkward, it was actually quite amusing. He didn't make it unpleasant for me at all; we talk as if we never stopped being friends in middle school. I still had no idea where he was taking me; the feeling of being uninformed is making me anxious, my body shaking with anxiety I continue to beg for the answer to my questioning thoughts.

"Peter can you pretty please with a cherry on top tell me where were going" I bat my eyelashes hoping to woo him over.

He takes a glance at me before turning his head back to the road.

"I don't even like cherries so no can do babe"

I cringe. What kind of monster doesn't like cherries, cherries are so good, I mean they weren't my favorite fruit of all time but still they were pretty darn good if you ask me.

"Rule numero Uno, don't call me babe I am not your babe I am Emma you cocky peacock, second who doesn't like cherries?!"

I say failing at the attempt of speaking Spanish. Peters face scrunches up in disorientation, looking like a constipated child. Oh that poor thing he probably has pooping problems, he should really invest in some Pepto Bizmo (type of medicine for those who don't know), I heard its good stuff. I seriously have no idea what goes through my brain; I asked my dad if I fell when I was a child but he refuses to answer me every single time and instead walks away shaking his head in either disappointment or laughter I was still not completely sure on which.

"Cocky peacock?" he chuckles.

" yea you know because those darn birds think they're so fancy with them pretty feathers of theirs walking around the jungle swaying them in all the other poor birdies faces like um hello , rude so yea that's you" I explain.

At this he laughs even more on the verge of tears before replying me.

"You are a crazy one of a kind gal Emmie I really miss that intensely inquisitive mind of yours"

Huh he used a big word I'm fairly impressed. I smile just tad before a slap of recognition hits me. I probably shouldn't get too attached to peter, I should've never let him break through my walls I was so quick to be all goody goody with him. Time to go back to being rude to him Emma it's what is best for you, he left you once I'm more than 100% sure he doesn't have a problem doing it again.

The car abruptly comes to a stop and I come face to face to the place id always run to, the place I met him, my safe spot, the park. I stare out the window for a brief moment before facing peter crossing my arms over my chest, giving him a very aggravated look.

"If you think bringing me here with you is going to help you with anything think again you low life attention wanting man whore"

I was angry, I was so immensely furious with him; I bolted out of the car and took angry steps towards the swings planting myself on one. How could he try and talk to me after all these years. How could I let him? I was more angry at myself then I was at him, I knew that but I needed to let my anger out and unleashing it on him seemed like my best and only solution.

"What the fuck Emmie what was that" he exclaimed.

"Don't cuss!! I hate bad words and don't call me that!"

His lips turn up the tiniest bit in amusement. He was probably enjoying my reaction and I was giving it to him. He sits next to me and just like the first day I met him his crystal blue eyes were boring into mine, just observing me like I was the most interesting thing in the world.

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