chapter 11

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Today I did not wake up to two idiots, a blaring alarm clock, flashing lights, or on the floor. Instead I wake up to a beautiful tanned man sleeping peacefully. Oh yea did I mention his toned abs? No well there present and they were a great thing to wake up to too. I sat their observing his model like features; to anyone else brown hair and brown eyes would be so bland and boring but Austin made it a very good look. His long lashes almost hitting his tanned cheek, his breathing slow and calm, he was handsome even when he was asleep.

I want to avert my eyes so I don't seem like such a creeper but ever since I heard what he said last night my eyes have been glued to him. It almost sounded like a confession of him liking me. If he did like me, and if he did ever tell me what would I answer? I haven't really been with a boy since peter and that was back in middle school. I was never truly intrigued or had a wanting feel for a boyfriend ;that and I wanted a love story and was acquainted to the fact that none of the boys in my school could ever offer those qualities since most are just looking for a good time if you know what I mean.

I sigh closing my eyes frustrated with my foggy thoughts.

"Good morning princess" I hear a husky whisper sleep still evident in his voice.

My breathing suddenly stops at the sound. That is probably the hottest sound to hear in the morning. I open my eyes and smile bashfully at Austin my cheeks flaring filling up with heat. He returns the smile brushing a strand of hair out of my face. My mind flashes back to the memory of Hayden doing the same action, I shake my head trying to focus on Austin and not that conceited tool.

"g-good m-morning" I stutter nervous obviously.

This seems to make the smile on Austin's face grow even more amusement flashing in his eyes probably realizing that he has an effect on me. I cough trying to find my voice before speaking; his hands were still tightly planted on my hips.

"sooooo I didn't know we would be having a sleep over"

His hands still made no movement in changing their position but instead start rubbing circles on my hip; a thin shirt separating from actual skin to skin contact and I was grateful because I think I was going to pass out.

"Hope you don't mind it just kind of happened plus was it really a bad thing to wake up to such a fucking hot beast" he smirks.

And just like that the heated air disappears and the moment nonexistent. I scoff rolling my eyes not bothering to suppress my giggles. I remove his hands off of me and get up taming my hair.

"If the beast was indeed hot like you proclaim then no it wouldn't be bad but to wake up to well just a beast it isn't the best" I smile at him.

He throws a pillow at me hitting me in the head. I pout and he stands out of bed showing of his body even more now; he was giving me a full display. I tried to keep my eyes off his abs and his visible v-line but come on what girl could avoid that! Clearly taking notice to my staring he smirks coming closer to me. I don't move, I'm frozen in my spot the bed being my only savior if I fall back. His fingertips brush the bare skin on my arm sending shivers through out my body. His eyes now find mine locking in on them.

"Do you mean that princess"

He whispers lowering his head so his face was inching closer to mine. His face was so close to mine our lips almost stroking one another, my eyes flutter shut and wait for the full contact to be made.

"Answer" he whispers once more.

I open my eyes at the sudden sound of his whispers and process what's going on. My eyes go wide and I realize he's teasing me and I was going to kiss him?! Oh my goodness Emma you were going to kiss Austin! Before I can answer him or make a sudden move the door opens and in walks the last person I thought would willingly come to my door.

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