Chapter 16

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Waking up this morning excited for today's events and one my favorite holidays I call Austin missing him all of a sudden. One ring after another he finally answers his morning voice ringing through my phone making me smile. Sure we didn't have the most romantic relationship and its hasn't been a while since I met him or the boys,for matter of a fact it's been like three or four months to be exact. But none the less my feelings were still there for him and I was attached to all the boys. Time really doesn't matter it's those moments with the people you know you can trust that really tell you and prove that what you have is real;and what I have with those idiots is real.

"Hey there cutie you up" I bite my lip trying to prevent a giggle from escaping my lips because I know I indeed woke him up but I didn't care.

"Haha very funny as if you don't know my sleeping schedule" he groans still tired and sleep evident in his voice.

"Oops must've slipped my mind" I giggle.

He grunts in response.

" I mis you " I say into the phone nervously.

"I miss ya too babe but your gonna see me later on today"

"I know, um hey you wanna get breakfast?" I ask.

" nah no can do babe I got some things I gotta do with the boys but I'll see you later ok"

" ok bye"

"Bye babe"

With that I hang up and decide to see if Chris wanted to join me instead. I ring her up and she immediately answers.

"Hello girlie what's up?" She chirps.

"Hey Chrisie what're you doing?"

"With the boyfriend why"

I hear zach her boyfriend yell in the background arguing with her about labeling him as only boyfriend instead of using his name.

"Oh no reason was gonna see if you were up for breakfast on this fine halloween day"

"Sorry girl im gonna have to take a rain check but I'll see you later ok"


I sigh hanging up the phone, well guess that only leaves me,myself and I. Picking my self up I get ready doing my morning routine picking out my outfit before grabbing my keys and heading downstairs. I see my dad walking out the moment I was reaching for the door and I freeze. We both stand still giving one another icy glares. I didn't know why it came to be this way between me and my dad;as if loosing one parent wasn't enough he had to go and leave me as well . At least I didn't have to see my mother every day in the process of her causing me pain, but my dad was doing it right before my eyes and I just couldn't bare it.

"They say good morning Emma" my father states coldly.

"They say it to those who deserve it father now if you will excuse me I have places to be and better people to talk to" I spit just as bitter.

Before he could argue with me and lecture me about my attitude or about how what I said was disrespectful I make a run for my car car slipping in and heading straight to a little diner next to the old park I used to go to. And yes I mean the park I met peter, much to my dismay I loved the place and the park far to much to ever leave it. I was nothing like my father, I did not run away from the places that held some pain to them because underneath the pain was once happiness and I believed that if I dug deep enough I could learn how to look beneath the pain and bring back the happiness.

I sit on the bar stool and make my order waiting patiently.i drawn invisible drawings with my fingers against the counter table just humming to my self owning my own business.

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