Chapter 18

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I've never been confident,in fact the trait was nonexistent in my genes. So I was quite shocked with myself when I went up to where Austin was ,pushed the hot pink Barbie bimbo dressed as a bunny out of my way and gave him a death glare that would burn him if I actually had the magical ability too do so. At this point I was fuming seeing as he was very much intoxicated and glaring at me with a much stronger intensity; how dare he glare at me as if I'm the one who ditched him, got drunk and sat there letting some guy flirt with me. I thought I would cave and give into his glare but I surprised myself once again when I continued to hold my ground ,I am just full of surprises today aren't I ? It's like an entirely different person has possessed my body and kicked out the old Emma, not that I'm complaining I really would like to see more of this confident character hidden within in me.

"What the actual fuck Emma what the fuck was that" Austin spat his words coming out slurred showing how drunk he truly was.

"Austin man who's this fine piece of ass,how rude of you not to introduce us " Austins just as drunk friend says eyeing me as if I'm the last slice of pizza.

Growing nervous I try and tug the skirt i am wearing trying to make it look as if it was longer but failing completely. I was not gonna let this idiot eye rape me, shy Emma was going to have to go back into hibernation again.

"Ok first you inconsiderate prick that is not how you talk to a lady so show some respect you pig and second he didn't introduce you because he was to busy letting some fake beach blonde Barbie doll have her way with him"

"Woahhhh there little lady and why do you care what he does ? Austin can you believe this clingy bitch"

How could this idiot not know who I was or what I meant to Austin, I thought Austin told all his friends? Was he trying to keep it a secret?

"Josh your giving me a headache" Austin says rubbing his temples not bothering to defend me or to tell this idiot I'm not just some clingy side chick.

I scoff,"I can't believe you right now first you ditch me the whole entire day,then you send the guys to come and get me and thank god there the sweetest people ever;even Hayden was there! and to top it all off you dont even bother to look for me when I get here you just continued on with your party and decided to let some slut come and talk to you !"

"Ughhh shut the fuck up already your so Whiney god yes I get it blah blah blah and your point? I don't fucking care Emma and I don't fucking care about you you know why cuz I screwed up again god I'm such a fuck up liz"

Liz? There we go again with that unknown name.

"Austin you don't mean any of this your just drunk" I say trying to calm him down even though I am the one who fired him up.

The music was loud muting our yelling but by the looks of austins drunken friends I could tell our argument was just on the beak of getting heated even if I couldn't feel it at the moment. At this point all my feelings went numb and my body was mentally shocked as well.

" I mean every fucking word god your a toy Emma, a game to me and I won the game, you made it so fucking easy" he laughs manically"I wish I would've gotten something good out of it though what waste ,you even made kissing you a big deal thank god I had them other girls keep me sane, well at least im winning at this point"

Although my ears were numb and buzzing from the blasting music I could hear everything he said perfectly clear and in some sick way I made myself believe they were true. I was easy I was so ready to fall in love and give him a chance instead of playing it smart and facing the facts,The harsh raw truth. I should've taken my time and I should have listened...I should have listened to Hayden.

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