Chapter 14

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On the little exploration Austin took me on to get to our date I let my eyes wander to the woods I was in. Everything was so calm and quiet nothing but the breeze rustling the leaves of the bushes and tall trees. It was like everything in the woods was In harmony, soothing my mind and soul with their song. I sigh in content promising myself I'd come here more often.

Lost in my train of thoughts and beauty of my surroundings I bump into austins rock hard back and groan in pain.

"Owe tatter tots that hurt"I hiss rubbing my nose.

Austins deep chuckle fills my ears and I pout but inside can't help but smile at his laugh. It warmed my heart.

"I'm sorry princess your just too cute and umm we're here we made it"

I look past him to see were exactly where here is and when I do I can't help but gush. It was like a dream date you'd read about in romance novels came to life. It was absolute perfection with a simple picnic blanket spread on the damp grass and a crystal blue lake as our view. I walk closer to the set up and become even more happy with the whole set up of the food and candles. Filled with all this happiness I spin on my heels and rush towards Austin throwing my self at him without any permission or second thought .

" thank you so much Austin I love it I love it so much it's so perfect I didn't think you had it in you to care this much" I say my arms still wrapped around him.

" well princess anything for you and I'm quite hurt you think I wouldn't do something special I know I don't have the greatest reputation when it come to these things but still don't judge a man "

Now it was Austin who was pouting and me giggling at his adorable baby face . Although I said it was to soon I couldn't resist that face so I reach up as much as much my short frame could elevate me and place a quick peck to his cheek snapping him out of his child state and replacing his pout with a smirk .

I smile back at him and slip my hand into his large one pulling towards the picnic he made for us.

Time flies by as if it was non-existent to begin with. So far we talked about the little things we should know about each other like our birthdays,favorite colors,food,drinks and all those little details. The day was also filled with lots of laughs from all the funny stories austin had to tell, all in all the date was going incredibly well. Well I think it was considering I haven't been on many.

"So can you picture us going on another one of these dates?" Austin asked sarcastically as if he all ready knew the answer to his own question.

"Yea I think I can I had a great time" I smile keeping my answer short and simple.

It was true I wasn't lying. I could indeed picture myself on a another date with Austin but whatwas eating away at my nerves was none of the feelings or scenes that I had created in my head happened tonight. I felt no  immense love by just looking into my lovers eyes like story books portray nor did anything feel like it was effortless or simple. I was nervous the entire time letting him do all the talking while I tried to make sure my simple sentences didn't sound to boring or long. But over looking all this I did have somewhat of a good time and maybe the story books were lies, and maybe just maybe they weren't and these feelings just needed more time to immerse.

"So does that mean your down for being my girlfriend?"

And there goes the last bit of hope I was grasping on that my my fantasy scenarios would ever come true or even exist. But none the less I had to agree , didn't I ?

"Yea sure" I say it coming out bored and unexpected. Well no turning back now I guess.

"This is great thanks beautiful" he smiles.

I nod suddenly feeling guilty.

"Wanna go home? You seem tired"

"Yea guess this long day really got to me do you mind?"

"Nah come on babe"

I get up blushing and start helping Austin clean up the mess we made. We slip into the car  and ride back to my house in silence , when we finally reach my house I smile in content and face Austin. Before I could get a word out of my mouth Austin kisses my cheek throwing me into a puddle of complete shock.

I blush madly and run out of his car screaming a bye running up to my room slamming the door behind me ignoring my dads presence in the living room downstairs.

Sooooo I'm back I think. I'm going to try and finish this story this summer and update a lot more on my other story. I also know this chapter isn't great but I just came back and I'm sorry anyways till next time loviesss byeeeeee❤️

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