6. Branching

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"Rennie." I repeated."I like it. Do you want to....come in?" I hesutre at my door. Rennie nodded, and stepped inside after me.

"So, you're the poor soul who had to Room with Scarlette O'hara there." I rolled my eyes. "She thinks she's going to be the next big thing." I laughed slightly and began to dive through my box, pulling out my stack of textbooks, my stationary and hardbacks, my copies, my hoodie, and my gearbag. I dive through it again until I came to the end, where the little case of "Oddities"As I like to call them, were. I opened the crackly paper bag and brought out a flashlight, a penknife, and a small first aid kit.Everything has the school crest on it, of course."Stupid." I scoffed, and thrreww the flashlight and the small bag onto the bed. I slid the penknife in my pocket, and eyed Rennie again. "So, why're you here?"

"What?" Rennie asked.

"What did you do to get yourself landed here? This is a school for bad kids."

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