Getting ready to leave

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It was after school and Eun Mi was walking home with Jessie ,instead of riding the bus so they could go and get her passport so that was one less thing she would have to worry about . Eun Mi was nervous and excited at the same time because she knew she had an older sister and brother but had never met them in her life and was afraid they wouldn't like her and would want her to go home right away . Jessie was able to sense her worry and spoke to her in a reassuring way ."Eun Mi trust me they'll love you and ,you won't even have time to miss me ." She smiled once Eun Mi finally smiled and they both walked in to get her passport . As they waited in line A random girl they didn't know approched them and spoke up nervously ."Hey Has anyone every told you that you look like Bang Yonguk from B.A.P ?" Eun Mi sighed and nodded her head ."Yeah I have lots of times ." She had no idea that what a waited her was just exactly that Bang Yonguk was her older brother and it would change her live for ever . It took about an hour for the girls to get Eun Mi's ticket but they finally did,after achiveing that goal they went to Eun Mi's house and began to pack her luggauge as they sang along to random songs that played on Jessie's Ipod until they had all the clothes they thought she would need for her visit . They spent the rest of the day getting her ticket and calling her birth parents that she would be coming despite her adoptive parents answer .Eun Mi had made them some food to eat since her Father and Mother still weren't home ."jessie I'm gonna miss you so much ,when I'm gone ."She pouted as she listened to Jessie ."No worries ,we can video chat after school everyday and i'll be on facebook so we can talk over that so you won't get to miss me Eun Mi ." Jessie chimed and jumepd after eating and took away her best friends bowl as she began washing them contently as Eun Mi grabbed a big blanket and pillows laying them on the living room floor so the two of them could camp out in the living room since it seemed her parents wouldn't be home until the next day . the two girls layed on the blanket and covered up chatting away until both of them had fallen into a deep peaceful sleep . The next day came rather quickly for the girls they had woken up around 6:44 A.M and they quickly picked up the blanket and pillows as they went to Eun Mi's room grabbing some clothes to change into after they both took a shower , Jessie went to one and Eun Mi went to the other showering and then putting on A regular black tank top and some grey sweats and converse . While Jessie put on a blue dress and some pretty matching boots and met Eun Mi in her room . Eun Mi quckly wrote a letter explaining to her parents that she had left for Seoul and would be back by the next semester of school started . Jessie had grabbed some of her bags and Eun Mi grabbed the rest and the quietly and quickly headed out as they both made sure everything was grabbed before heading off to the airport . On the way to the airport they played some Super Junior, B.A.P ,Justin timberlake and Beyonce . Until they got there .Jessie had parked and gotten out of the car locking it as they both headed into the air port hand in hand as this would be the last few moments the girls had together in person before Eun Mi went home .

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