Daehyun helps out.

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Yongguk had been busy with work and hadn't been at home when his little sister came home so he decided he would go check on her . Once he made his way up the stairs and opened the door to her ,seeing Eunmi  asleep on his desk the boy walked over quietly and carefully picked his sister up as he laid her in bed and covered her up."You're going to catch a cold sis I don't want that.." He said kissing her forehead as he knew that she would be hungry for food since there parents wouldn't be home for a while due to there anniversary and they left him in charge until they got back . After a while of just sitting by her he got up and.walked over to her desk putting everything where it belonged before walking out of her room and shut  the door . Yongguk clueless on what to actually cook automatically called Daehyun for his help ."Hey Dae can you come over I have something I need your help with okay ?" Daehyun Laughed softly and replied right away. "Yeah alright." He said and the two boys chatted for a little while before the boy hung up and made his way over to the older boys place a sigh coming from his throat .It only took the boy about 15 minutes to get there and played with his hair knocking on the door caused Yongguk to open up the door right away and push Daehyun into the kitchen. "Cook Eunmi food right now she will wake up soon and she needs food and I don't know how to cook anything!!" Daehyun nodded his head and played with a sigh and poked the male stretching and began cooking ."Yongguk hyung you owe me !" He said as he began to cook as fast as he could when he heard the door to a bedroom and saw a sleepy Eun Mi walk out of her room in her shorts and tank tops as she squeaked seeing the other only expecting for her and her brother to be the only ones home. "Daehyunnie Oppa I didn't know you where coming over !" Daehyun sighed as he nodded his head."Yeah I didn't know I was coming over it just sort of happened when your oppa called me and asked for my help !" She nodded her head and wraps her arms around the boy cooking from behind giggling since her older brother wasn't anywhere in sight . "Okay oppa the food smells so good I can't wait to eat the food you have cooked for me ! ..."Daehyun blushed lightly and smiled as he ruffled her hair and pulled away just in time since the small girls brother was walking in at just that moment . "Oh Eun Mi you are awake ,did you have a nice rest ?" She smiled and  nodded her head ."Yes I'm awake and yes I had a nice rest thank you Yongguk oppa!" Yongguk looked smiled and walked over her patting her head as he thanked Daehyun and invited him to stay and eat since he was the one to cook . After a few minutes all three of them were at the table and eating away at the food ."Oh wow Daehyunnie oppa it is so so yummy ." Eun mi chimed a lazy smile on her face as she stood up and took all the plates and drinks and washed them. Yongguk glared at the younger boy and spoke. "I don't want you to fall for her like Himchan okay? She is all I have left that is precious to me and I don't want to lose you guys as friends so please don't .." Daehyun nodded and stood  up and patted the boys shoulder ."I understand that Yongguk Hyung so don't worry , I think of Eun mi as a sister too and you know Himchan won't do anything to harm her .." Daehyun reassured as Yongguk nodded his head  both the boys smiling in return to each other as the small girl walked back in and spoke up with a cute smile on her face. "What should we do now Yongguk and Daehyun Oppa ?! " The boys thought for a moment but Daehyun spoke up ."How about we call the other boys and we go to the park and hang out for a little while ?" Eun mi jumped in joy at the idea clapping her hands together ."Oh yes I would love that so very much !" Yongguk sighed and nodded in agreement as he called up the boys and told him the plan and they all agreed to meer at the park closet to there work studio incase they got to hot or any of the fans started to swarm around them especially due to the fact that no one knew about Eun Mi and they wanted to keep it that for as long as possible .

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