Chapter 10 part 2

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I stopped eating and it made Hera mad. She knew that I missed Holly but I still had to eat. Music wasn't heard from anywhere in the ship and I stopped talking. I was mute before but it was a living hell and now it seams that I'm back at that.

"Shadow you have to eat something," Luke said. He's been trying to get me to eat as well but I just couldn't. It wasn't a life without Holly and now I'm lost. There's not a point for the Jedi to keep me alive now and I know Mace is happy. Luke and Ezra finally got my door open but I just held up the middle finger and walked towards my bed.

I've been getting more sleep than food aid I think that's a good thing but they don't. Anakin has stopped talking to everyone but Obi-Wan and all the Ghost crew wants to do is plan a funeral. They wouldn't get why this was so hard for me and I don't wish them too because it would be hard on them. Ezra may be a Grey but he was mortal and that meant that one day he would die just like Holly and then I would be alone again. I felt like I had a home with Holly because she was like the sister I never had but now even that's gone and there is nothing that can fix it. 

"You may not get it but we still care about you no matter what happens now eat," Sabine said. I didn't know that she was there but even she wouldn't understand my pain. She could feel emotions and I was always wishing that I could but not to be able to feel sadness or cry is hard when these things happen. 

"I'm not hungry right now. I'll eat later but for now please just leave me alone," I mumbled. It was the most I talked since she died and I don't think that I would ever be the same and then it hit me. These people are also sad but they need somebody to be strong for them and I knew then that siting in here and doing nothing is something that Holly would hate me for. I stood up from my bed and walked towards the door and walked out. I had to be strong for my family because they need it. The Ghost needs to be repaired and nobody but me had plans to fix it. 

"Alright now whats next?" I asked everyone. They were in the main room crying their eyes out like I wished to do but I couldn't let my mask fall. Anakin looked at me and started to smile nut Luke looked at me in shock. 

"Holly would want us to go avenge her not sit around and cry over her. Now we all may be sad but the funeral is a good idea so where should we do it. Ezra knows Lathol better than any of us so if he can tell us anything now is the time," I said.  Kanan smiled at me bu I kept a straight face. We landed at our old place on Lathol and I remembered how much I missed it here. Ezra, Zeb, and Chopper started fighting, Sabine started painting something on her wall, Kanan was in the kitchen talking with Obi-Wan and Mace, Hera was shutting down the engine, and I was in my room picking up the violin. It had dust on it but was still in working manor so I played it. Before long Noel and Amber was finished with training and joined me. Amber and Noel was going to have a little sister and brother and they were more than happy about it which made it kinda feel like the old days until Kanan ran in the room with a worried look. 

"Meeting now," he said and the look he had made me worry for him. His two daughters knew better than to ask questions but I didn't and I needed an answer. 

"Whats wrong?" I asked. He made sure that nobody else was around and then smiled. 

"Amber and Noel's mother is on this ship and wants to join us. There's nothing I can do since Hera is making me let her stay on the ship." I was shocked because I knew their mother but we all thought that she died and it wasn't something that we hoped for but we actually saw her die and if I remember correctly I was the one that killed her. 

"How is she still alive?" I asked shocked. We both ran into the room to see the two twins crying and I rolled my eyes. Their mother was a Sith that didn't come back when the thing was tilted and how she even found us is a question that I need the answer to. 

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