Chapter 12

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I've been going to Holly's grave asking for help and still got nothing. It was hard without her because I didn't have a real family with not having a sister alive and my parents being the force so she was my sister and so was the Ghost Crew. Kanna finally kicked me off the ghost because I was being a smartass and I didn't care because I was happy where I was and I still saw the crew when they came to help me.

"Any luck yet?" Maria asked as I stood up.

"Usually I can speak with the dead but Holly won't talk. It's not normal for the dead to be silent unless they planned their death and I highly doubt that's what Holly did," I said. This was really hard for me to live with but I was slowly getting used to it.

"Well Kanan wants us back to do a mission. We miss you around Shadow and by the way Ezra's jokes can get worse," Sabine said. She and Ezra were getting married tomorrow and there was to be a big party but even Anakin says that it would be a bad idea for me to go and I understood why.

"Have fun," I said. They both nodded and I noticed that Maria was hiding a limp. If she knew I knew then there would be a even bigger problem but not today because we had to go rebuild the temple in Lathol. Luke saw me walk back and ran over along with Han and Ben.

"Kana or Cimamad laid a hand on Maria. I knew that she should've came with us," I said. Mace had a death glare on his face and even me and Mace have grown close and that's scary to Anakin.

"I need to either kill one and break whatever she put over Kanan before anyone else gets hurt or kill Kanan to make it stop. They hurt my daughter," Mace said. It's true Maria was Mace's daughter and when Maria first died Mace blamed me for it which is another reason to why he hated me.

"We should get going," Gavin said as me and Anakin took a ship while the others took another one. I took control after a while and I knew where we were going. There is a Jedi temple on Lathol that the old Kanan took Ezra to when Ezra was ready for a lightsaber and where we went when Yoda told us to go to the Sith temple which is where we found Maul and where Ashoke first died at the hands of Vader.

"Soka you doing okay back there?" I askDed. She didn't like flying as much anymore and I understood that to a point.

"I'm good. We're getting closer," she said. Even though she left the Order she was more of a Jedi then me and Anakin combined which was sad because Anakin was the Chosen One. The last time we were here it was a hard visit but it didn't matter at this point. What happened was the past and we couldn't live in it no matter what.

"Stop here and land," she yelled. I forced the ship down and tried to calm my mind. For a Mixed Jedi it was hard to be in a room with this much light energy but for a full Dark this was hell.

"Any word from them yet?" Mace asked. He was worried about Mari as much as I was but that wasn't the focus point here and he had to learn that.

"No and if I do hear anything I will let you know but for now let's not worry about that. Your mind needs to be here Mace so get it together," I said. I was shocked that those words came out of my mouth but they did somehow.

"Hey whats wrong?" Luke asked as Ashoka and Anakin opened the temple. My eyes rolled as I glared at him but I knew that his question had to be answered.

"What about everyone else. I've seen Ezra and Sabine at their breaking point but not Zeb and I'm worried that something will happen that I can't stop," I said. I felt something twitch inside and the Dark Side became stronger again.

"What the hell is that?" Han asked. My hands were shaking but at the same time I felt stronger. I wasn't sure what happened but I knew it wasn't good.

"That my friends was the song of war. I hate to say this but a war is starting and we have to be ready now," I said. They all looked at me in alarm and then I had to get everyone to safety.

"Are we ready for it?" Mace asked as I smiled.

"Alone no but there is more that just the Jedi and Sith. You have everyone on one side and for once that is our side. I have to warn the rebels but other than that we are good," I said with a deadly calm voice. It scared them but at this point I didn't care. A war was coming and this time we will win because this time I am no longer divided and I know what side I'm on but now it's up to the Ghost Crew to decide.

So guys how was that for a final chapter. I was going to make it longer but then there wouldn't be more books after this. I am going to start working on the second book soon so please don't rush me right now. I'm working on it and it's been a fun few months. I hope that this was a good book to you all and I would again like to thank the readers for the views and everything. Now if you would like to be in the next book just inbox me and I can get to work on that. Have a great few months and try to wait for me to start on it. May The Force Be With You All.

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