Drama full on

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Rd moved aside to make way for parth to enter the home. All were looking at each other. Rd invited parth to join the dinner and he took his seat beside Alina.

Silence was the only affair prevailing on the table . Rd looked at all and to
avoid any kind of doubt in mama's mind he thought to initiate the conversation.

Rd: hi Rd to parth
P: hi Parth to Rd
Rd: hi Alina
A: hi Parth ->rd
P: hi Alina
A: hi rd->Parth
Rd: hi sanyu
S: hi Parth
P: hi sanyu
Rd glare parth and he correct as Sanyukta
S: hi Rd
T: why are you all introducing to each other.you all are friends right
Rd: haha yo tingu you and your jokes. I'm full I'm going to bed.
All others too get up and leave the table.

Sandhir goes to Parth and Alina. By seeing sanyu he comes and hug her and Rd separate them.

P: what's going on guys
Rd: arey yaar you didn't understand. I'll explain. See I'm Rd but I'm not, I'm parth and you are Parth but you are Rd. Parth wife sanyu which is me and that's true she is my wife and you are unmarried but you got Alina as wife.
Parth hearing this started to pull his hair. Sanyu asked Rd to stop and she will explain.

S: parth my mama mistook Rd as and all these and when Alina came here this buddhu rd said she is Rd wife and you came and he made you Rd
P: ohk . But why this drama.you could have told the truth
Rd: he will question sanyu and what's our relationship
A: wait a minute so aren't you both engaged
Rd: hahaha engaged. You know I'm her hubby from three years but saw her few months back
S: guys we need to stick to this drama till mama leaves

All agreed and they heard a knock on the door . Sanyu opened to see mama.
T: why are you here
S: just chit chat and parth you were sleepy right
Rd: yeah and fakes a yawn. Go to your room,Rd and Alina met after many days give some privacy 😉 and leaves.

Sanyu goes out and Rd was stopped by Parth.
P: don't hurt her
Rd: I won't
P: she is my friend
Rd: and she is my wife and move out.

S: Rd ,you sleep with parth and me with alina
Rd: what about mamaji
S: after he slept we will interchange the room and before he wakes up back to here
Rd: done.

They message other two about this. Middle of night sandhir sightly opened their door to see mama sleeping on the couch, they sighed and sanyu took baby steps to the other room. After three steps they saw mama moving and then he got up from there. Sanyu stood still and she saw him coming towards her. She closed her eyes and then she opened to find Rd holding mama hand and taking him back to the couch and he by actions asked to go and then parth came out and changed the room.

Morning sanyu woke up with the alarm sound and alerted the guys too. She opened to find mama already got up and doing sit ups. She saw paran near the door. Rd assured by his eyes and went to mama.

Rd: good morning tingu yo
T: morning parth
Rd: it's been few days I did work out and you even in this age does it regular
T: yeah and smile
Rd: see the muscles man
T: hahaha.Join me and you will also fit
Rd: hmmm

Rd joined and gestured sarth to interchange the room. Bad luck the mama turned side and before he sees Rd hold his hand and made him look straight. Finding the opportunity Parth ran to the other and sanyu while running Rd made mama turn to the opposite side.

Later sanyu acted as if she woke up just now and said a good morning to rd and mama and leaves to kitchen.

Rd : yo tingu enough for today
T: but you didn't start
Rd: I'm feeling tired even before the start only you can do these and follow sanyu
S :why are you here
Rd: to flirt
S: chee
Rd comes and stand behind her and tickles her and she giggles. Their moment gets disturbed by the entry of Parth and Rd moves away.

P: what joke you cracked Rd
Rd: nothing. You in kitchen
P: I can ask the same to you too
Rd: water...
P: I need to talk to sanyu
Rd: ummm and stood there
P: alone with her
Rd: I'm leaving then goes from there

In 5 second Rd came back by saying he kept his wallet somewhere and
he can't find that,and left the place. Few seconds back he enters again saying where is his camera.

P: sanyu I'll talk to you later. Too many disturbance is here.
Rd: what was he saying
S: did you give him a chance
Rd: why so private talk
S; if he said the matter only I'll get to know and went out.

Evening all were chilling out and mama said he wants to enjoy the night life of  NY before leaving they agreed.

Next part maybe I'll post today night or tomorrow.

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