"Stop being awkward"

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Cammie pov:
I wake up the next morning with no text from Shannon. Maybe something bad happened to her or she's hurt. Or she doesn't care anymore. I don't know why I'm being so desperate. It's been four years and it's about time I'm moved on. I get ready and head to the nearest gay bar. When I get there I sit by the counter and ask for a glass of tequila. I'm slowly drinking it but I feel someone staring at me. I turn around to make eye contact with a black haired female. "Hey" I say and the girl moved closer to me. "Hey, what's a beautiful girl like you doing here alone?" She asks and I shrug. "Getting my mind off things. Finally moving on" I say and she chuckles. "I'm Joanna" she introduces herself. "I'm Cammie" I smile at her and she smiles back. We talk for a while about some random things until some guy almost pushed me out of the chair. "I'm so sorry" he said and tries to help me readjust in my chair. "Watch where you're going next time" I say looking at him. Then I when I finally look at him I notice it was Mark Miller that has pushed me. "Holy fuck Mark!" I say and he smiles at me. "Sup Cam!" He says and we hug each other. "How you've been?" I asked and he shrugs. "Great. I swear Aiden and Shannon has brought so much happiness in my life these past years. Just yesterday I was laughing so hard at Shannon cause Aiden broke her phone. I think she's going with ally today to get a new one though" he says and I slap myself. So her phone was broken. But it's still time to move on. "Why are you here?" I ask. "Ethan brought me here and he's going crazy on the dance floor. I should go take care of him" he says and waves goodbye. "Sorry old friend" I say turning back to Joanna. "No problem. So I gotta go. We should hangout sometime" she says and slips me her number. "Text me" she leaves and yet again I'm alone. I guess I'll text her later to see if she wants to hangout. I leave the bar and just go home. When I get there there's a note on my table.

Hey Cammie. You weren't home and I texted you but you didn't respond. I'm going to catch up with Shannon them right now. Text me when you get home. If you want you can come over shans mom house (address). See you soon cam.
       Stevie xoxo

I guess it wouldn't be too bad just to catch up with them. I say and leave my house once again. After finally finding the apartment building I go up and knock on the door. When the door opens o didn't see anyone at first but when I looked down I met with the little boy from the store. "Hi!" Aiden says happily. "Hi Aiden, do you remember me?" I ask and he nods his head. "You're my mommys friend" he said and I bend down to his height. "Where is your mom?" I ask him. He holds my hand and brings me through the house. He brings me outside where they're all sitting down talking to each other. "Hey guys" I say and they wave to me. Stevie pats the seat right next to her and I sit right next to her. "Where did you go?" Stevie asks. "I went to the bar near our apartment" I say and she nods. "Mommy!" We hear Aiden call. "I'll be back" Shannon says and goes inside. "So how's life?" I ask ally and she laughs. "Fine. Shannon and I decided to both have YouTube channels. Like now she has over 5 million subscribers because the way she interacts with her viewers and I have about a million with my musical talents" she says. "Wow 5 million. That's a lot" Stevie says and ally nods. "She's been tackled by so much girls. It's so crazy" ally says and we all laugh. "How was college?" She asks. "It was great. We both got a degree in finance" Stevie says. Shannon pops her head out of door. "Do you guys want to talk inside? Aiden doesn't want me to leave him" Shannon says and we all make our way inside. Her and Aiden are currently coloring together while we sit on the couch around them. "Ally guess what?" Shannon says excited. "What?" Ally asks confused. "I'll give you a hint. Someone special is coming down and bringing down one of the funniest people we have ever met" Shan says and ally freezes. "No she isn't. Oh my gosh cari and Alex is coming, when?" Ally asks jumping up and down. " tomorrow. I can't wait to see cari. We haven't seen her since she left for tour" Shan says and I feel a bit jealous. " Are you guys talking about cari Fletcher?" Stevie asks and they both nod happily. "Who's Alex?" I ask. "The funniest person in the world. She's like our own rebel Wilson when she's around" ally says with a huge smile on her face. "I hope they sing at aidens birthday cause they sing like angels" Shan says and ally nods in agreement. "Wait are you and cari still..." ally stops remembering we were still here. "We'll talk about it later ally" Shan says and sits Aiden right next to ally. "Auntie cari and auntie Alex is coming to your birthday" ally says to him and he has a huge smile on his face. "I love auntie cari. Will she be living with us again mommy?" Aiden asks Shannon. "Ummmm we'll see. I'll ask her tomorrow" she says and Aiden gets up and sits next to me. "Auntie Cammie are you coming to my birthday party?" He asks with puppy dog eyes and I can't say no to that. "For sure buddy. What do you want for your birthday?" I ask him. "I don't know" he shrugs and I giggle. "You have a pretty laugh" he says and my heart feels warm. "Thank you" I say and he runs back to Shannon and sits on her lap. "I love you mama" he says and hugs her tight. "I love you too bud" she says and holds him tight. "So I think we should go now" Stevie says and stands up. "Yeah I have to see my parents today" I lie and I hear Shannon laugh. "Okay Cammie. I'll see you guys on Saturday" she says and hugs the both of us. "Aiden are you going to say bye to them?" She asks and he walks towards us. We bend down to his height and he also hugs the both of us. "You guys are part of my family now" he says and Stevie holds him up. "Forever little man. If you need anything just call me with your mommy or daddy's phone okay?" Stevie says and he nods. "Bye" we say and leave the house.

"Cari Fletcher and Shannon beveridge! What were the odds that they'd end up together?" I ask Stevie as we enter my apartment. "I don't know Cammie. Well you gotta move on too" she says and I nod. "I met a girl today at the bar and she's really pretty" I say and Stevie looks intrigued. "Tell me more" She says as we settle down in the living room. "She's has black hair and so pretty. But I got her number and she wants to hang out" I say and she slaps me. "Hangout with her. Why are you still here?" She asks and I laugh. "Cause I just met her" I say and she nods. "Only way you'll get over Shannon" she says.

Shannon pov:
"Just tell the whole world me and cari are dating!" I yell at ally. "I forgot, okay? Stop screaming at me" she says and goes to the kitchen to get food. "You know our relationship is private" I say cause I'm a bit frustrated. "It's not like Stevie and Cammie are gonna rat you out to the world" she says from the kitchen. "You don't know that" I say and ally comes out of the kitchen giving me a are you being serious look. "She's not out yet. I just want her to be ready when she wants to come out" I add and she nods. "Well you know if you guys just keep your hands off each other maybe it'll be easier to keep it on the down low" she says and we both laugh. "No promises on that. What else will I do with my hands when she is here?" I ask and she gives me a disgusting face. "Shut up. I don't want to know what you do with those hands" she says and leaves the room. "So Aiden now it's just you and me" I say and sit right next to him. "I'm home!" Mark open the door and Aiden run towards him. "Hi AJ. How's your day?" He asks and Aiden jumps into his arms. "Good. Auntie cari is coming" Aiden says and Mark looks at me. "I thought she was on tour?" Mark asks and I shake my head no. "It finished. She's coming down tomorrow" I say and he nods. "You wanna take a nap with daddy?" Mark asks Aiden. They go to the room and I'm stuck all by myself. "So it's just me, myself, and I now. What to do? Bother ally" I say to myself and walk towards her room.

--Next day--
"We're gonna sing together, color together, and play together..." Aiden lists things he wants to do with cari and Alex while we're on our way to the airport. They both were in his life since we moved to LA. They've become mother figures to him and now every time they leave he can never let go. But when Aiden found they were leaving for a long time he could not stop crying. Sometimes I think he loves them more than he loves me. We get to the airport and he starts to get more excited. We get out of the car and wait for them at their gate. The airplane lands and I see two blondes come out from the gate. Aiden sees them and jumps into cari's arm. "Did you miss me?" She asks and he nods. He goes to hug Alex while I go to cari. "Hi" I say and stick out my hand to give her a handshake. "Stop being awkward" she says and pulls me into a hug that I missed so much. We hug for a good ten minutes until we're pulled away by ally. "Okay nice reunion and all but you guys forgot about me" ally says and cari goes and hugs her. Cari and I walk towards the car holding hands while ally them are in front of us. "How was your tour?" I ask her. "It was good. I missed you a lot" she says and we stop right in front of the car. "I missed you too" I say and kiss her. "Mommy stop eating aunties face" I hear before pulling away from the kiss. "I wasn't eating her face" I give him a confused look. "That's what ally said" he points at her and she could not hold in her laugh. "Stop eating her face" ally says and we all go in the car. "We're gonna have a fun weekend" I say as we settled in the car. Cari and I in the front and the other three in the back. "Yeah we are" Cari says and holds my hand while I drive.

So currently Cari and Shannon are together. In my story. Idk about real life but after the wasted youth video I still don't know. It was cute though. Hope they're together. This was a rushed chapter cause I wanted to put something up. So enjoy

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