Forever Doesn't Exist

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--2 month later--
It's been 2 months since Cari has came back into my life. She's my fiancé. She's been a mother to Aiden. But most of all she completes this family. Every morning I woke up intertwined with her. Every night I would fall asleep with her on my chest and my hand combing through her hair. Nothing has ever been so perfect around here. I kept in touch with Stevie and Cammie since we left and they've been looking for jobs. I think Cammie got a job as a interior designer. Ally has been going out a lot lately. Sometimes I barely see her home. I don't know something about her is wrong. She's been bringing girls over night after night and when the morning comes she's gone again. It's the morning right now and I think ally is still here. I leave my room quietly and see ally laying on the couch downstairs. When I look at her while she sleeps, she looks sad. "Ally wake up" I say and she stirs awake. "What's up?" She asks and stretches. "Let's go for a ride" I say and she nods. She gets her phone and puts on her slippers. We get in my car and drive off. "So how you've been lately? Haven't seen you a lot" I say. "Good. Trying to live my life and what not, how about you?" She asks. "It's been good. Life has been good" I say and from the side of my eyes I could just see her looking out the window. "What's going on ally?" I ask. "Nothing is going on" she says with a slight of fear in her voice. "Ally, you've brought home so many different girls every night then you just leave again in the morning. You've never acted like this before, what's going on?" I ask again. "Everyone is moving on with their lives. You're getting married. Stevie them just finished college and are looking into careers. But me, I'm totally lost. I'm doing nothing with my life" she says and I stop the car at a near by park. "Ally, you have your YouTube career. Where about a million people look up to you. You finished college here in LA. You make so many songs that could rise up in the charts but you don't post them. Ally what you're doing right now with those girls, this isn't you and you know that. I'm here to help you through this. Just tell me what you need" I say and I'm honestly at verge of crying. "Time. I need time to figure out who I am. I need go away" she says and I nod. "Where to?" I ask and she shrugs. "Somewhere there's no big cities. A place no one would ever guess where I am. Away from all the people I love" she says. "Let me pay for everything. You just focus on yourself" I say and she nods. "How do you feel about going to the Bahamas?" I ask and she shakes her head no. "That's way to expensive" she says and I look her in the eye. "I got it. You just get yourself packed and if you want to leave today you can. I will go the distance to help you. How long do you need?" I ask. "A week. Just a week alone" she says and I nod.

We get home and right away I help ally packing. "Where you guys going?" Cari stands at the doorway and I go talk to her while ally continues packing. "Ally needs some time away from the city. She's going to the Bahamas for a week" I say and she nods. "Is she going to be okay?" She asks and I nod. "Okay I'll be downstairs with Aiden if you need me" she kisses me softly and goes downstairs. "Cari is one in a million. Tell her when I'm gone I'll be okay" ally says and I go sit right next to her. "Tell me, is there more to it? Why were you going through girl after girl?" I asks and ally shrugs. "I want to settle down but every girl I was with wasn't the one. Like when we seen Stevie my heart was racing. I wanted to spend so much time with her but i heard that she wants to move on. That's what her and Cammie been talking about" she says. "Yeah they can move on. Like if you really love Stevie then why don't you go get her before it's too late?" I ask. " Cause the love we had was four years ago when I was young and stupid. I'm 22 Shannon and I still can't grow up" ally says and I see a tear fall from her eyes. "Ally you have grown up. Like four years ago we were nobody. Now we have YouTube and each other. For the past four years I've seen your Channel grow and you grow into this person I'm standing in front of today. I am proud that you have been more responsible and reliable. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you and you know that" I say and ally finishes packing. "Same for you. Shannon it's just been hard for me lately and I just want to be alone" ally says and I nod. "Well lets go" I say and she grabs her suitcase. "You have to say goodbye to Aiden at least" I say as we make it down the stairs. "Aiden!" Ally yells. We hear little footsteps coming from the living room. He comes to see us and has a sad face. "Are you leaving auntie ally?" He asks and she nods. "Only for a week. I'll be back soon. I'll even bring you something back" ally says and he hugs her tight. "I'll miss you" he says and she kisses his cheek. "I'll miss you too little man. Bye" she says and go outside to her uber. I watch as she leaves with Aiden in my arms and tears fall from his face. Never in his life has he ever had to say goodbye to ally cause she was always with him 24/7. But I get that she wants find herself and I'm proud that she noticed that she needed this time. "Are you gonna be okay?" I hear Cari from behind me. "Yeah. She needs this more than anything" I say and we walk back into the living room.

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