Chapter 1

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'Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out.' I thought to myself. It was the morning of the my first day at my new school. I moved to a new town with different cultures and different people.

"Leighton?" called my mother. "Come down! I want to take pictures before you leave!" I hated it when my mother wanted to take pictures. There were pictures of my day-to-day life. She wanted to capture every second of my life.

I checked the mirror before I left. After a lot of observing, I found out what people in America wore. I changeed my whole wardrobe from cashmere sweaters and jogging pants to tank tops, spaghetti straps, skinny jeans, and mini skirt. Today my outfit was a white tshirt with the pink letters, 'Angel'. I was wearing a black belt on top of it. My skinny pants and converse seemed to complete my outfit. My brown hair was waving down my back.

I smiled, the one I was going to use to wow the other students. It worked in all of those movies, so I hoped it was going to work in real life.

"Oh Leighton. You're so pretty! This is going on the fridge!" She snapped a few dozen pictures of me. Soon I got kind of annoyed and told her to stop. She was a professional photographer.

"Okay. Fine sweetie! I won't be here after school, so you can let yourself in! I have my first job!" She was really excited, getting hired so soon in a new town. My dad, is a movie producer all over the world. I think he was in Peru right now, shooting another movie, although I'm not sure.

I said goodbye to my mother and went into my new car. My parents bought me a new little Audi. It was silver. They're really rich.

I used the GPS that was connected to the car to get to school. The place was huge, way bigger than my old school in Paris. It had many seperate buildings and a lot of students. I checked out what the girls were wearing. I blended right in, except my belt may have looked to chunky. I removed it.

I sighed, got my Jansport backpack and walked out of my car. I was trying to look more confident than I was feeling, but it didn't exactly work. I was just too nervous.

I saw some girls wearing headbands. It held up their long hair. I put my hand into my backpack to get the handband I packed just in case, and while I was using my mirror to check my makeup, I ran into something hard.

I fell down and kids around me laughed. I looked up and I saw a pole right in the middle of the field, in my path. Why did I just embarass myself like that? Why couldn't I be as coordinated as the rest of the girls?

I used my hand and got myself up. I looked behind and I saw my butt full of mud and dirt. My face blushed red, but I tried to ignore it. The people have stopped laughing at me. They were now ignoring me.

I quickly walked into the washroom. It was filled with other girls, but I found an empty stall. I used a lot of toliet paper and tried to get rid of the dirt. But I needed water for a mess like this. I was about to come out and get some water, but a thought occured to me : If I used water wouldn't the water stain show?

I realized that it would, but before I even decided what to do, the bell rang. Class was going to start and I didn't get my locker or my class schedule.

I ran to the main office. The hallways were deserted. The office lady looked at me with a questioning look.

"Hello. My name is Leighton." I said and she smiled nicely at me. "I'm a new student here, and I'm not sure where to go."

"Well, Leighton, welcome to America! I know it's you're new here and I'm hope you're going to feel welcomed! I think your schedule here..." She looked through her papers. "Here it is. I hope you have an amazing first day." She smiled and waved me away.

I had a class schedule and a map of the school. Homeroom was on the first floor. I walked down the stairs and looked for room 105. I found it, after a few minutes of clueless walking.

I knocked on the door because it already started. I interupted the teachers talk about discipline and what our goals for this year were. "Hello. I'm a new student..." I said and the teacher ushured my quickly into the room.

"Hello. I'm Mrs. Fisher, your homeroom teacher. You must be Leighton. Welcome to USA. Hope you enjoy it here... For today I was letting people pick their seats, so you can sit any where that's available. There wasn't a lot though. The only seat not taken was the one right in front of the teacher and the one near the back. I took the one at the back. I didn't like sitting in the view of people, when they could stare at me.

I checked the people around me. There was a girl who was looking around all snooty like. She had a headband on, a nicer one than mine. She laughed at my pants.

There was a guy who wore glasses. He smiled brightly at me before taking notes on every word the teacher was saying. I didn't think we were going to need to know about the rules of the classroom for later in the school year, anyways.

Then there was a boy who was sitting directly in front of me. I couldn't see his face but the back of his head looked pretty nice. He had brown hair that was shoulder-length.

After the teacher explained the rules and regulations to us, the bell rang for first period. 'I could do this.' I thought. People stared at me while I was walking.

The guy sitting in front of me came up to me. "Hey. My name is Brett. Your Leighton right?" I looked at him confusingly at first, but then I nodded. He had emerald green eyes and his bangs were brushed to the side.

"Hey Brett." I said. He was following me to my next class, which was English.

"So you're from Paris?" I nodded. "That's cool! I've always wanted to visit the Eiffel Tower! But I only lived in Canada and America."

"OH! So you must know the CN Tower?" He shrugged and nodded. "That's so cool! I've always wanted to visit that!" He asked me more questions about my life back in Paris. While we were talking a girl came up to him.

"Hey Brett... Hello?" she said rudely to me. I know this girl. She was the ones who always ruined the new girl's life. She was really short, like a whole 4 inches shorter than me. She was a lot shorter than Brett. She had crystal blue eyes and long wavy blonde hair, that reached her butt. It was curled naturally down her back.

"Hi. My name is Leighton." I gave my hand but she just ignored me.

"So Brett... I'm holding a back to school party this Friday. I was wondering if you would want to come?" She glanced over at me before flipping her hair.

"Uh... I don't think so." He answered but the look of devastation on her face, made him change his mind. "Actually, if you can invite Leighton, then I'm there!" I gave him a look of question.

"Fine. Whatever." she answered and rolled her eyes. "See you later Brett.." She walked away with her crew of people.

"Now what makes you think I want to go to the party?" I asked. I did want to go, not that I would admit it to him.

"Well your new. Don't you want to fit in?" He smiled and nodded towards a door. It was the one to English, my class. I never realized that we got there so quickly.

"Well yeah. I guess so... But I have a feeling that girl didn't like me much... I think she was one of girls who laughed at my pants." I turned around to show him. He stared at them for a little too long but just smiled.

"Don't worry. You pants look... great." He smiled encouragingly. "Also, Casey just wants to make you feel bad. She'll do anything to get to me. Don't worry about it."

"Thanks... I guess. So are you going to English?" He shook his head.

"I'm in French. In the west wing." English was in the east. "Au revior." He waved and left. Brett made me feel a lot better. If only everybody here at school was as nice as him. Sadly, most people were like Casey. I just didn't know that at first.

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