Chapter 3

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"Here." said Brett. He handed me the sweater. "Put it on. It'll cover your paint marks." He smiled at me and watched as I put on the sweater. It was a bit too big on me but it was warm.

"Thanks." I returned my smile.

"So speaking of plans... Want to join me for lunch?" I gave him a questioning look. "Do you want to eat lunch with me? Like a friend thing?" I thought about it for a second. I wasn't sure if I should say no and sit by myself or just go with him... I decided to just go along with it.

"Sure!" I thought for another second. "Is Casey going to be there?" I didn't want another encounter with her, just in case she changes her mind about the party.

"I'm not sure... I don't think she'll be there if you are." He lead me to my locker. I checked the combination but it wouldn't open. 12-8-27. I tried about seven times, but it still didn't work.

"Here." He took the piece of paper and opened the lock for me. I noticed that it was different in America and they went the other way, than in Paris.

"Now that you know my combination..." I started. "What's yours?" He rolled his eyes.

"39-7-20." he whispered. I smiled as I put my stuff into my locker. I know that he trusts me, at least. I took out my lunch and we walked to the cafeteria. He went over and sat down with a lot of people.

"Come sit here." said Brett and patted the chair beside me. I slowly approached his table, scared that somebody would scream at me. Nobody did.

"Guys, this is Leighton. She's from Paris." He introduced me to each of his friends. There was Josh, Rey, Logan, and Ryan. Well, those are the ones I remember. Brett looked at me, like he was sorry.

"I guess they aren't as happy about you being here." He took out his lunch. He was eating a burger. I took out my buttered croissant.

"Yeah." I stopped short when I saw Casey coming closer to our table.

"Brett. Why are you sitting here?" she asked. She looked for a seat to sit in, but settled for his lap. He looked uncomfortable.

"I was sitting with my friends." He said and lightly pushed her off. She wouldn't get off, so he decided to do something that anybody would do, if there was a girl sitting on their lap. He used force and pushed her off. She landed on her ass and glared at him. I stiffled a laugh, but a giggle came out. She changed her facial expression and looked at him again.

"Well, come sit with me and my friends!" She pointed at a table, with even more people, with both girls and boys. The boys wore big football uniforms, which pretty much gave it away as football players. The girls looked all popular and cool. I noticed that one of them was Carrie. So she was going to Casey before.

"Yeah, I would rather just sit here, if that is okay with you." He tried to sound nice, but it wasn't working. His voice sounded rougher than intended.

"Are you sure? Sitting with me, would really help you get more popular." I already thought he was... I guess he was just one of the average guys.

"Yeah, I'm already popular. I don't need you to help me, because frankly, I think that your popularity isn't what I want." So he was popular. And her popularity? There were different types of popular?

"Whatever. Well, when you ditch... her." She pointed at me. "You'll know where to find me." She started to walk away.

"Well, just so you know... I won't ever ditch the girl!" He smiled at me but I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"The girl?"

"I mean Leighton!" But she was already with her other friends, ignoring us and pretending that encounter didn't even happen.

"Well, she was rude." I said. That girl needed a good slap in the face. And then a little discipline.

"Just forget about her. She just wants me, which is something she will NEVER get. Ever." he said. Well that made me feel a lot better, know that Casey will not get anybody as good as Brett.

"Yeah, but you don't want her type of popular? There is more than one type?" I asked. He nodded before speaking so low, I had to strain to here his voice.

"Well, her type of popular, is going up on guys. Being a cheerleader. My type of popular is being nice. But the only way that you could be her type of popular is if you are with the most popular, Destany." I looked at him, like he was crazy.

"Why is that such a secret?" I asked. He again spoke in that low voice.

"Because non-popular people aren't supposed to know. At this school people will do anything to be popular. If I told you, then I'd be hated. And I hate to be hated. Oh and if I'm not popular, how will you be liked?" He smiled. I thought he was serious but that smile showed that he was just playing with me.

"So if people found out, you wouldn't be popular?" He nodded. "Do you really care though? Or are you just kidding?"

"Just kidding. I really don't care, but my parents and brother would literally kill me. They were popular, and if I was popular, then our name would continue on in this school. And I can't become popular with Casey's way, which is sticking with Destany."

"Wait.. Who's Destany?" I asked.

"She's meaner than Casey. She sits right there." He pointed at Carrie.

"Hold on. That's not Destany.. That's Carrie..." I said. "She was talking to me before I went to Art..."

He gave a little laugh. "Guillable or what?" he asked. I looked questioningly at him. "That's Destany. Carrie doesn't exist." He sighed.

"Wait. So that nice girl that I thought was Carrie doesn't exist?" He nodded. So I guess my life isn't what I expected. Maybe before I know it, Chase was going to become... non-perverted or something!


Teehee. There you go, another update. Vote, Comment, Fan!

Hate Your Smile, Hate Your Laugh, Hate The Way You Made Me Fall In Love With YouWhere stories live. Discover now