Chapter 2

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"Hello." I said to a boy sitting next to me in English. I was hoping that they would be like Brett. This boy had purple eyes with gray flakes inside. His blonde hair was shoulder length and his bangs were covering his face.

He smiled at me. "Hey..." He said and leaned over to me. "What's your name?" He seemed pretty nice right now.

"I'm Leighton. What's yours?" I asked.

"Chase. I like your shirt." I looked down. It did look pretty nice. But I noticed that his eyes stared at my chest area for a little too long. I used my hand to cover it up. I think next time I'll wear my shirt that said 'My face is so not down here.'

"Thanks. So how's America like?" He shrugged. He let his eyes travel down to the front of my pants. This was making me really uncomfortable.

"Oh you know. Nice." He shrugged. He was still staring. I quickly took my backpack and put it on the place that he was staring. Finally, he looked at my face. I decided to ignore him after that... I guess he wasn't like Brett at all.

"Well hello class! Today we are diving right into introductions... I bet you guys don't want to hear all about people you've known for a long time, but we do have a few new students.... I would like to start with the front row." He pointed to the first student. I wasn't really listening to the people talking. I didn't even know it was my turn until Chase nudged me.

"My name is Leighton. I'm from Paris, and I've lived there all my life. My interest are mostly watching tv and computer things. I think reading is alright. My favourite sport is soccer. And yeah..." I ended it. I sat down.

There was somebody who raised their hand. "Yeah, I have a question. Why did you move to America again?" I remembered her as Casey. I didn't really like her, at all. Like how she hated me.

"Well, I don't have a reason. My mom wanted a larger range of things to take a picture of I guess..." She rolled her eyes and snorted.

"Really? Paris is so much more better than USA. Tell your mother to move you back." The teacher stopped her from talking.

"Casey! That's a horrible thing to say! Leighton, of course nobody wants you to leave! We want you to feel welcomed here! Please, enjoy staying here!" He smiled warmly. I smiled back.

"Thank you." I sat down. I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. That was embarassing. And the worst part is, I'm sitting in the front, where people can continue to stare at me and I can't do anything about it.

When English class was over, I went to Art. I was pretty sure that this class wouldn't have anybody nice, but someone came up to me.

"Hello." she said and smiled. She wasn't as pretty as Casey, but she was still gorgeous. She had short, black, curly hair, and stunning gray eyes. "I'm Carrie. I heard that you're new."

I nodded and smiled back. "Yeah. My name is Leighton! I moved here from Paris!" She nodded in understanding.

"Well, I better get to class..." I quickly walked away. I couldn't help but wonder why that girl, who seemed so nice, would go and hang out with Casey.

When I got to Art class, I sat down near the back. I was early so the whole classroom was kind of empty. I took out my binder and sat there waiting. I doodle on my paper, before I felt somebody sitting beside me.

"Why hello again." Brett said and smiled at me. His emerald eyes looked at me in happiness.

"Hey Brett." I was glad that somebody nice was in my class. It made me feel a whole lot better, knowing that I wouldn't be the new loner.

"How was English?" he asked. Girls came around him and talked to him, but he was just ignore them. They got irritated and left.

"It was alright. I met a boy named Chase and a girl named Carrie. Yeah, Chase was really awkward, and I think Carrie is pretty nice."

"Chase with purple eyes?" asked Brett and I nodded. "God, that guy is such a pervert! You should stay away from him, alright?" He sounded like he was in so much controll, that I had to nod. "Good, then."

"So how was French?" I asked.

"Bien!" He smiled. I think he lacked a lot of adjectives. I can't wait to ace French. "I have Madame Dominel. You have her too, right?" I nodded.

"She's easy. Don't worry about it!"

"Oh did you forget that I was from Paris?" He looked embarassed.

"Hehe... Oh yeah." He gave an awkward laugh. The teacher came into the class and then told us our assignment. Today was free day, and we got to do anything artistic. Brett and I went to get some paint.

I drew a tree and an apple. It was about as artistic as I can get. I'm really bad at art. Brett drew this amazing, colourful scene on his canvas. It was a sunset with colours exploding everywhere. I watched in amazement as he continued to paint.

He let me watch him until he was done. Then he examined my work. "Er... It could use some work." He smiled brightly and started to draw the background of mine.

"Hey! Stop ruining it!" I said and used my green paint and coloured his arm. He looked at me before using yellow and putting it on to my arm.

We continued to colour each others arms until our hands were so many different colours. He got a lot of paint on my white shirt and I got some on to his.

"BRETT! LEIGHTON! WHAT HAVE YOU JUST DONE?" demanded the teacher.

"Painting..." said Brett sheepishly.

"Well, you two are going to take yourselves, and go to the washroom to wash up. You can go to the cafeteria afterwards. And because today is the first day of school, you may be off with a warning. Next time, you will serve detention." She dismissed us. We went to get our stuff and headed over to the washrooms.

"I have no other clothes... Isn't it great? Messed up skinny jeans and coloured clothes." I rolled my eyes. This is a really bad start to school. Now nobody would want to talk to me.

"Oh don't whine." he said and walked into the boys' washroom. I walked into the girls, and used water to wash my arms. I poured a little water on to my shirt and tried to wipe it off. But it was already stained, and it wouldn't come out. I think I was in the washroom for a little too long, because while I was blowdrying my shirt, the bell rang.

I was pretty sure that Brett was already done, so I took my sweet time. But there were girls that came into the room, and I quickly left when I realized who it was. Casey.

I walked out and saw that the place was completely crowded. I walked around people with people shoving me.

I felt somebody's hand on my shoulder. I turned around and I saw that it was Chase. Brett's voice rang in my eyes. "You should stay away from him."

"Hey, Leighton. Do you want to sit with me at lunch?" I quickly shook my head.

"Plans..." I said, slowly walking away from him. Then I hit something hard. It was somebody's locker. "Oops! I'm sorry!" I turned around and was face-to-face with Brett.

"Do those plans include me?" he asked, holding up a sweater.


LOL, So unpredictable. You thought she would run into Brett. Don't LIE! I know you did! VOTE, COMMENT, FAN! This story is the closest to the What's Hot List! :D

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