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a/n: i have no idea how to do plots tbh how do y'all feel about another two chapters before the story progresses xD


Tyler  slams Jonathan into a seat, nearly breaking the poor chair.

“Ow! What the fuck?!”

“Guys, this is Jonathan. Jon, this is Brock, Marcel, and Lui…. And Anthony, who's hiding under the table for some reason.” Tyler points at a boy who's hiding under the table, the top of a panda hat barely visible over the edge.

“Oh! Hi!” Jon laughs as Anthony pokes his head up over the edge, smiling brightly.

Brock waves happily at Jonathan as he pulls Anthony back up into the spot besides him. Marcel nods at Jon, too busy with his lunch to really talk.

Jonathan watches as Mini sits besides him, and Tyler on the other side. He shrugs, drumming his fingers on the table casually.

“Hey Jonathan, do you want a gummy worm?” Lui speaks to Jonathan in a high pitched, squeaky voice as he holds out a bag of gummy worms.

Jon grins and nods, grabbing a tiny handful of gummy worms and putting some in his mouth. “Why are you hogging all the red ones? You're mean.”

Lui gives an offended look, yanking the bag back to his side. “Because the red ones are the best! And you're a bully!”

Marcel wraps an arm around Lui’s shoulders,  grinning. “Hey, Lui…. We're friends, right?”

“Don't talk to him! He's bribing you for your gummy worm- HOLY SHIT JON YOUR ARM IS ON FIRE WHAT THE SHIT?!” Craig screeches loudly, pointing at Jonathan's arm, which was indeed on fire.

He almost panicked. Almost.

Jonathan forms a ball of water in his hand, smashing it against the flames and effectively putting them out. Looking around (and ignoring the panicked yells from the others), Jonathan was a bit surprised to see Luke come up and squeeze in besides Marcel and Lui.

“Hey guys! How's it going? Marcel, Jonny?” Luke grins carelessly, stealing some fruit off of Marcel’s plate.

“Luke! You fuckboy, you nearly burned his arm off!” Craig scolds Luke, carefully examining Jon's arm.

“I'm fine, I'm fine,” Jonathan insists. “Harmless prank, it was just a harmless prank.”

Lui snickers. “Yeah, a prank that nearly burned your arm off!”

“Anthony? Your opinion on all this?” Tyler calls out to Anthony, who is fast asleep leaning on Brock's shoulder. Tyler shakes his head, laughing. “What an asshole. He couldn't even wait for study hall to sleep.”

Jonathan looks over at him, frowning. “Why is he so tired?”  

“Me, him, and Scotty were out last night. Late night training,” Marcel explains. “Scotty has super speed and Anthony came along to watch me throw rocks at Scotty while he ran around.”

“Why did you guys bring Anthony, of all people?” Brock gives Marcel a questioning look as he rubs Anthony's back soothingly. “Why not someone to help you guys out? I don't think it's exactly safe, you know?”

Marcel scoffs. “Well yeah, but Scotty was a last minute addition. Me and Anthony were just going for a walk when Scotty catches up to us like twenty minutes later and says we should try to train. Like, who the fuck would wanna train so late at night anyways?”

“Apparently you nerdy fucks would wanna train at night considering you guys actually did it. Why even ask?” Luke chuckles casually, before suddenly jumping up and hiding under the table.

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