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yaaaay character development aka filler chapter wooo i accidentally deleted this twice n had to rewrite wooo 🎉🎉


Jonathan nearly trips over a tree root as he runs through the forest. He stumbles back up and keeps running, Evan right by his side.

"Bryce? Ryan?! Luke! Where are you guys?"

Evan is besides Jonathan, running the best he can with those giant wings of his. "Jon, I think you're overreacting, they couldn't have gone far at all-"


They both stop, turning to the sound of the voice. Tyler stands there, glaring at them. Besides them is Brock, looking like he was about to murder someone.

"Jonathan Dennis and Evan Fong, get over here right now!" Brock doesn't raise his voice, but the fact that Brock's usual sweetness was gone is more than enough to make Jonathan scurry over to him.

When they get to Brock and Tyler, it occurs to Jon that Tyler seems just as nervous as them. Brock crosses his arms and scolds them both. "What the hell do you guys think you're doing out here?! It's getting dark out and the teachers had an assembly and you guys aren't here!"

Evan's eyes widen. "There was an assembly? Was it important?"

"No," Brock huffs. "That doesn't mean you could just skip it, though. I had to cover for you two, and Ryan and Luke and-"

Brock suddenly falls silent as he looks around. "Where are they? Bryce and the others, I mean."

As if on cue, Ryan and Luke come up. They're holding hands, and Bryce is right behind them with a smile on his face. Jonathan quickly takes note, though, of how Bryce has a few scrapes and cuts on his body.

"Bryce? Bryce! What the fuck did they do to you?!" Jonathan rushes over to Bryce, checking him over. Bryce giggles and squirms around, trying to escape Jon.

Luke, however, gives a growl. "Why the fuck is it immediately our fault, huh?! You his mom or something?"

Ryan grins, nudging Luke playfully. "Well, it was your idea to jump out of the tree. Bryce and I only followed. It's not my fault Bryce went down like a fucking rock."

Jonathan doesn't get a chance to ask what they were talking about. Brock clears his throat, catching everyone's attention. He gestures for them all to go back onto the campus with a stern look.

Nobody says a word the entire way back. Jon finds himself confused as he watches Bryce interact with Ryan and Luke, nudging them and giggling at whatever they whisper to him.

He feels a bit jealous, if he was being honest. It was so clear that Ryan and Luke were both in love with Bryce. Even if they didn't know it yet, they were in love. Jonathan was sure of it.

Why couldn't anyone love him like that?

Jonathan couldn't get any further into his little self-pity session, for Evan suddenly wraps an arm around him.

"I bet you twenty bucks that Ryan and Bryce get together," he whispers.

Jonathan snickers. "Dude... have you seen the way Luke looks at Bryce? I'm thinking it's gonna be him instead of Ryan."

Evan looks at Jonathan curiously. "You think?"

"Yeah. They would be cute together. I wanna be in a relationship that cute. Can you imagine? Me, Delirious, with a cute boyfriend," Jonathan says softly. "I need a cute boyfriend. You know anyone?"

Evan smiles. "I mean... I'm sure you know lots of cute people, Delirious. "

Jonathan laughs. "Yeah, true. But that doesn't mean they would be a good boyfriend, mister owl."

"Oh? What would you look for in a boyfriend then?"

Jonathan shrugs. "I dunno. Someone who's a good cuddler and is fun. They don't gotta be sexy or anything. Basically someone who's not a jerk."

Evan nods. He doesn't say anything else, leading Jonathan to assume their conversation was over. They walked to the dorms buildings together, said goodbye, and parted ways.


Evan Fong is in love.

He is hopelessly in love with a dork named Jonathan, and he doesn't know what to do.

Jonathan is, by far, the most oblivious person Evan has ever met. He doesn't know how else to make his crush obvious without tattooing it to his forehead in sparkly neon green and screaming it at the top of his lungs.

Evan doesn't know when his crush first started. Maybe it was when they first met, when Evan saw Jonathan playing in the water using his powers.

He just…. He just looked so cool and fun and good to Evan that he found that he had no idea what to do. So… obviously…. Evan leaps out of the bush screaming like a banshee.

He panicked. Jonathan had caught him staring, and Evan panicked.

Same thing happened the next day, too. Jonathan had shown up to his history class with Tyler, and Evan had been staring at him the entire damn time.

It wasn't his fault for staring. Jonathan is an attractive man! He had messy black hair and a really nice smile and god, his laugh alone was enough to make Evan melt.

Jonathan also had a great smile, and really pretty eyes. And when Evan saw him changing in gym?

He nearly died. He was so stunned that he knocked over some of the equipment and had to stay after class to clean up.

Evan is very much in love. He doesn't know what to do about it, though.

He told Craig about his crush. Craig was his roomate, and at this point Smitty was too because of how often he hung around.

Today was another one of those days, where Evan lays down on the floor and contemplates his entire existence.

“Just ask him out,” Craig says, busy playing some game with Smitty. “You won't ever know if he likes you back or not if you don't ask him, you know.”

“I mean.. He doesn't act like he's interested in me. Wouldn't he tell me if he was?”

Smitty snickers. “Dude… you know he has the mind of, like, a child? For all I love the dude, I doubt he even knows what it means to like someone romantically. Maybe he likes you and doesn't know it.

“Hah! He's so delirious he doesn't even know his own feelings!” Craig laughs loudly and rolls over to face Evan better. “I'm telling you, Evan. Ask him out. Don't be shy about it, either. Just take him on some romantic walk on the beach or whatever, and then he'll realize how much of a sexy bastard you are.”

Evan hesitates. “Are you sure? What if he says no?”

“He won't,” Smitty reassures. “And when your date is over, you come right back here and me and Craig will plan your wedding.”

Evan nods, already beginning to make plans in his head. “Yeah. I'll- I'll ask him out. And it'll go great.”


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