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alternative title: h2odelirious fucks up

Jonathan rolls over onto his back, sprawling out across his bed. He looks over at the big pile of teddy bears he had brought, all sitting on his desk chair.

Admittedly, the pile itself wasn't very big. Seven teddy bears were all he could fit into the bag he had brought for them, and all the others were back at his parent's house tucked away into the closet, probably. And despite Luke's teasing, he had helped Jon stack the bears all on the chair.

And he had also helped Jonathan place the bunny on top without knocking the entire thing over.

Jonathan, admittedly, didn't know what to do with the stupid bunny rabbit. It was old and probably a little dusty, and Jonathan didn't even like bunnies all that much. He doesn't know anyone who likes bunnies, either.

A soft knock on the door makes Jonathan sit up, staring over at the only entrance into the dorm.

“Hello? Um… Jonathan? Are you here?”

Jonathan smiles warmly at the voice that comes from behind the door, and quickly gets up to open it. “Yeah, of course I'm here, Bryce! I ain't got anything good to do. It's just me and my teddy bears.”

Bryce raises an eyebrow curiously. “Teddy bears?”

Jonathan laughs and nods, pulling Bryce inside. “Yeah! Look at my teddy bears! They're the best!” He then gestures to the teddy stack with a grin.

Bryce's eyes widen, and he giggles softly as he rushes towards it. “Oh my gosh, they're so cute! Look at this one, he has a little bowtie on him too! Aww, they're so adorable!”

“I know, right?! Come on, don't be shy, you can touch if you wanna,” Jonathan insists, seeing Bryce's hesitation to grab one. He smiles as Bryce reaches out and touches the head of a small blue bear, gasping and cooing at how soft it is.

They ended up grabbing all the bears and throwing them all onto Jonathan's bed, laughing and talking while throwing them around at each other like a couple of children.

“Oh god, oh my god! The teddy bear army is falling! Bryce, what have you done?!” Jonathan gave a small sob, trying his best to sound sad. “Oh, no… you fucking monster!”

Bryce giggles and lightly smacks Jon with a pillow. “Well, you know what? I'm glad! I'm glad I killed the teddy army! They were jerks, they deserved it!”

Jonathan tries to fake cry again, but instead laughs quietly. “God, we're so fucking stupid, Bryce.”

“Yeah… just a little stupid. Do you want me to help you pick up the teddy bears?” Bryce brushes some hair out of his face with a smile, quietly picking a bear off the floor.

Jonathan nods, and begins to help Bryce pick them up. “So, now that that's over… What did you come here for? I doubt you came over to see my damn teddy collection,” Jon questions.

Bryce shrugs. “I just… I just wanted to know if you had the papers for choir. My cat tore mine up,” he explains, reaching down to pick up some bears that had fallen over.

“Cats? I thought we couldn't have any pets in the dorms?”

“Yeah. We- we can't, but… you know,” Bryce says awkwardly. There was a small moment of silence before Bryce eyes the ground sheepishly. “I don't have a roommate. Nobody knows about them. They- they were strays, and babies, and I- I just couldn't leave babies out there! They were so tiny and helpless and- and the momma cat was nowhere to be found, and-”

Bryce suddenly falls silent, looking down at something under Jon's bed. Jonathan frowns worriedly at this.

“Bryce? Bryce, what's wrong?”

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