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heyyy guess what??? Plot is finally progressing lmao y'all are in for a wild ride


“Hey, Luke! Guess what today is!” Jonathan walks into their room grinning, ignoring the rock that was still lodged in the wall from Evan's note.

“What, the day you finally get a life?” Luke looks up from the book he had been reading, a smirk on his face.

“Oh, shut up. Today's Friday! That means today's gonna be fuckin’ great! And Tyler and the others told me to tell you that we're going out tonight. Gonna go swimming in the lake, I think. You in?” Jon flops down onto his bed, finally pulling his precious laptop out of one of the bags he had brought. During the few days he had been here, he had been so busy trying to survive that he hadn't had time to dig out his laptop and charge it.

“Yeah, sure! Who's in? And why the fuck does your laptop have so many teddy stickers on it?” Luke laughs loudly as he points to a bunch of stickers on Jon's laptop, a bunch of teddy stickers in all shapes and sizes.

“Because! I wanted to! You got a problem with that?!” Jon gives a fake glare at Luke as he turns himself away, continuing to type. “And, uh… I don't know who's comin’ down to the lake. Marcel said they were bringing a bunch of their friends, and told me that I should bring some too. So I'm bringing you and Bryce because you guys are pretty much my only friends that aren't already invited.”

Luke raises an eyebrow. “Bryce? That tiny blonde kid you were walking with yesterday?”

Jon grins and nods. “Yeah! I mean… I don't know how much he’d wanna come swimming with us, but the you guys would like him!”

“I'm sure we will,” he responds. Luke chuckles quietly and goes back to reading his book.


“Hey! Guys! Hey!” Jonathan cackles excitedly, running towards the group of people by the lake. Some people he knew, like Marcel and Brock, but some others he didn't know.

“Jonathan! Hey, you brought more friends!” Craig laughs as he sees Bryce and Luke coming along with him.

Admittedly, Jonathan was surprised Bryce even came at all. The boy was so damn shy and quiet all the time, it had been a miracle that Jonathan even found the kid, let alone convinced him to come. It had taken a bit of convincing, mostly promises of food and claims of “you're gonna have so much fun, I promise.”

And to his delight, Bryce was now standing slightly behind him and Luke, quietly observing the bunch that had gathered here at the lake.

“Guys!” Tyler waves a few people over to Jonathan and the other two. “This crazy lookin’ fucker is Jon, the fireman is Luke, and this tiny lil’ guy here is Bryce. You guys be nice to baby Bryce, y’hear me?!”

There was a bunch of laughter, then more talking and introductions. All Jonathan really learned from them was that he had a weird bunch of friends. Like… really, really weird.

Right now, he, Brian, and Daithi (two Irish guys with questionable logic) were all arguing over where the best spot for diving was.

“I'm tellin’ you, yous gotta jump off of the big ol’ rock over there! That's obviously the best diving spot!” Jonathan huffs as he points to a big, jagged rock hanging out over the lake, on which Bryce and Smitty sat, discussing whatever kids like them talked about.

Brian scoffs and rolls his eyes, folding his arms. “Yeah, and what the fuck are you gonna say to Bryce and Smit? You really gonna make them move?”

Daithi frowns, quietly gesturing to a small hill on the other side of the lake. “Why not just jump off of there, though? I don't see nothin’ wrong with that!”

“Because that spot is like two inches deep!” Brian and Jonathan both turn to yell at Daithi at the same time, making him jump back in surprise.

“Oh, oh, alright then. I see how it fockin’ is, you dicks.”

Suddenly, a giant rock shoots out of the ground underneath them, making all three of them scream. Jonathan grabs onto Daithi, who yelps from Jon's iron grip and falls off. Which, in other words, sends the two of them falling to the ground.

MARCEL! YOU DICK, LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID!” Scotty runs up to them, screaming frantically as he pulls them both up.

Marcel huffs and folds his arms. “Well you know you could've ran and caught them! You're always going off about how fast you are with your speed, dumbass!”

“Well you didn't have to make a giant rock underneath them!”

“Look, I just wanted to solve this whole diving issue. And I thought I would solve it by making a diving spot!”

Jonathan shakes his head, and decides that it's best to leave them to solve this issue on their own. He pulls his hoodie off, and jumps into the lake with a laugh.

This was great. They were great.

Jon swims up to where Bryce sits, now by himself. “Come on, Bryce! The water's fine!”

He hears Tyler and some others yelling and laughing as they dive in, water splashing out across the lake. Jon pays them no mind, instead grinning up at Bryce, who is playing with a little flower he must've picked up.

“What's wrong, you scared? Don't be scared, Bryce!” Marcel swims up to Bryce, a playful smirk on his face. “Come on, we aren't gonna hurt you! Jump, Bryce, I'll catch you!”

Bryce seems hesitant. “A-are you sure? I-I… I'm not- not the best swimmer, I mean. I don't- I don't know how good that'll go…”

Marcel grins, and to their surprise, Evan swims up to them, too.

Evan laughs loudly, spreading his wings and holding them out. “Come on, Bryce! I got you! Jump, jump!”

Bryce still seem hesitant. Jonathan thinks, and is about to announce some grand idea, but then someone's behind Bryce and pushing him off.

Poor Bryce shrieks out as he falls into the lake, the other three failing to catch him. Smitty appears at the top of the rock, snickering quietly to himself.

Jonathan had to admit to himself that it was kinda funny.

Or, rather, it would've been funny, if Bryce were to ever surface.

Bryce doesn't come back up. This begins to worry everyone. Then there's the sound of muffled yelling, and the sound of something moving, then lots of crashing and a faint scream.

Jonathan is the first to move, diving underwater. To his horror, Bryce is there, something keeping him stuck to a rock.

He wasn't sure what this was- seaweed? Moss? A stray vine? Maybe even some rope, now that he looks at it. Whatever it is, it's like a dark green, almost black, and wrapped tightly around Bryce's leg and part of his arm.

And no matter how hard he tries, Jonathan can't move the rock or break whatever was tying him down. He's panicking, and Bryce is too. That's a given.

“Tyler!” Jonathan screams out, not caring whether he ran out of air or not. It was pretty much impossible for him to drown, he could easily give himself air, he practically is water at this point!

Tyler dives down, eyes widening at the situation. He sends the rock flying out of the water, and rips the stuff off of Bryce, freeing him.

Bryce and Tyler both swim up to the surface, where they're both probably being smothered by worried friends.

Jonathan stays down, however, because something catches his eye. It's a key, small, shiny, and somehow not crushed by the giant boulder. Without any further thought, Jonathan picks it up and stuffs it into his pocket, saving it for later.

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