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Bryce woke up that morning feeling happy. His two kittens, Charles and Bubbles, were both curled up by his side, purring contently. He sits up in bed, yawning and stretching as he looks around his room. It was empty and boring and a little lonely, just like it always was.

Little potted plants are sitting on the windowsill, all growing freakishly long. Bryce wished they wouldn't grow so fast, but it's not quite like he can help it. Why did his power have to be plants, of all things?

Bryce shrugs it off and gets up to go get ready for the day, showering and changing into a plain purple shirt. He walks out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom, smiling as he sees his kittens playing with something on the bed.

He reaches down to pet one, and then gasps at what he sees.

There was a bunny on the bed. Not the stuffed one Jonathan had given to him. No, no, this was a real bunny. A living, breathing, fluffy grey bunny, who was happily entertaining Bubbles and Charles by letting them play with his ears.

Bryce freezes in place, feeling a wave of fear wash over him. Where had the bunny come from? What was it doing here? What happened to the stuffed one?

The bunny looks up at Bryce, squeaks loudly, then pushes past the kittens and hops on over to the door, where it scratches at it lightly.

“What? You- you wanna go out?” Bryce speaks to the bunny, who seems to understand every word Bryce says. The bunny scratches at the door again in response, making Bryce panic and scoop him up.

“Okay, okay,” he whines. “Stop scratching the door, please? I'll get in trouble.”

The bunny stops the squeaking and instead calms itself in Bryce's arms. This is good, but he still has a minor issue at hand. How does he get the bunny outside without being noticed by any of the students or staff? It was no secret that students can't have pets in the dorms. It was also no secret that students tried their best to sneak them in. Sometimes they got away with it, sometimes they didn't.

Bryce was lucky that Bubbles and Charles had been tiny, tiny kittens when he found them. They had easily fit into the pockets of the hoodie Satt had given him for his birthday last year. A bunny, however, would not fit. Especially a full grown bunny like this one.

He looks around, before grinning as he spots his backpack. It was a bit of a hassle to fit the bunny in the small backpack, and he may or may not have left some homework in the hands of two sneaky kitties, but he was going to take this bunny back home one way or another.

So with the bunny safely in his backpack, Bryce begins his little journey off to wherever the bunny's home is.


The bunny and Bryce had both made it into the forest, and suddenly the bunny is kicking around in Bryce's bag. He quickly pulls out the bunny, afraid it was dying or something.

The bunny, on the contrary, is very much alive and determined to go somewhere. It sniffs at the air and leaps out of Bryce's arms, taking off into the forest.

And for a moment, Bryce is tempted to go after it. But something nearby gives a loud, sudden snap, and then Bryce hears the distinct sound of a tree falling down. It is closely followed by the sound of birds squawking, animals panicking, and the faintest sound of animals running off in every direction.

Bryce begins to worry for the bunny. Was it okay? He knows he shouldn't care so much for a some random bunny that he just met, but..

He's worried about a bunny. He's so worried that he takes off in the direction of the little guy, coming to a stop when he sees something rather odd.

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