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how do you guys feel about space battles? Not that it'll ever be in this story, I'm just curious.

"God... Anthony... That's.. I don't- I just-"

It was safe to say that Brock was speechless right now. How do you respond when someone comes into your room at 3 am crying over some future vision they had? No wonder he was so hysterical when he came over. Brock would be crying his eyes out too.

Brock quickly hushes Anthony, wiping away tears and trying his best to calm down his friend. “It's gonna be okay,” he murmurs, cupping Anthony's face gently. “They're not always true. It's just a bad dream, that's all, okay?”

“But what if it isn't? That's so fucked up,” Anthony gasps. “I don't- I don't want- He's gonna get.. He can't!”  He sucks in a few big, shaky breaths and releases them in big, loud sobs. It's a miracle that Tyler is still asleep at this point.

Brock quietly wraps his blanket around Anthony and rubs his back gently. “We'll figure this out in the morning, okay? Me and you. We're gonna lay down here, go sleep a little more, and then we'll go somewhere for breakfast and talk it over.”

Anthony stares up at a Brock, eyes big and sad and lip still quivering. He's silent for a moment, maybe thinking it over.

B- BUT WE DON'T HAVE A- A CAR!” Anthony then bursts into tears again, making Brock flinch.

Brock blurts out the first thing that comes to mind. “We'll take Lui’s! Just- please, don't cry.”

Anthony looks at him again before sniffling and burying his face into Brock’s shoulder. Brock sighs tiredly and hugs Anthony tightly. Tomorrow was gonna be a long day, he can feel it already. Brian was gonna be upset that Brock has to cancel on their before-class make out session, but hey, it was for the better good.


Jonathan wakes up the next morning feeling pretty refreshed. He hops up, gathering his things and taking a quick shower. After finishing his business in the bathroom, he happily makes his way to class. It went pretty well. In fact, his day was going fucking wonderful!

Even Luke was in a good mood, which says a lot when you consider he had to get up an hour earlier to go to some photography club he joined. Someone gave him a camera because of it, and he's been taking pictures all day long.

Basically… today is a wonderful day for Jonathan. A wonderful day with a notable lack of weird schemes from his friends.

It wasn't until after lunch that things got a bit strange, which is a new record. Bryce came up as usual, ready to walk with Jonathan to choir. For some odd reason, when Anthony saw Bryce, he immediately looked like he saw some ghost.

It only got worse when he saw Ryan come up to Bryce and hug him.

Tyler, concerned, asks Anthony what's wrong. That's what friends do, right? The thing is that Brock answers for Anthony, who looks like he's about to collapse at this point. Brock then hugged Anthony tightly, as if Panda would die if Brock were to let go. It was sweet, yes, but also a bit concerning to Jonathan.

“Do you think Panda is okay?” Bryce whispers to Jonathan softly as they walk to class, books held tightly against his chest and a worried look on his face. Jonathan just shrugs in response.

“I dunno. Bad dream? Maybe he's just having some crazy episode or… Or something. He'll be alright,” Jonathan says. Though he doesn't know if it's true, he wants to believe that it is.

Bryce nods silently. Nothing else is said on the way to class, and when they get in everything resumes as normal. Jonathan doesn't make much of the conversation. Anthony and Brock seem to have it under control for now. If they need help, they'll probably go to Mini or Lui anyways. They're much better at these things than Jonathan is.

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