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hi pls appreciate this cat dad and his children k thnx


Ryan never really did like the daytime. He always found the nighttime to be much more interesting. Night is when all the stars come out, night is when he, Bryce, and Luke can be out and about without being judged. Night is calm and fun and quiet.

That's why Ryan is out here. It's dark and calm and nobody's around. It would be better if Luke or Bryce were here, but he knows that's probably not gonna happen. Bryce isn't too fond of dark places and Luke is probably out like a fucking light right now. It's no wonder he's out here alone.

How long has he been out here anyways? Ryan, admittedly, has no idea where he is or how long he's been sitting here. He knows it's been a couple days- two, at the very least.

He stands up, glancing at the moon one last time. It's big and bright and shines proudly in the dark sky. Ryan kinda wishes he could be like the moon. But then he wouldn't be able to spend time with Bryce or Luke, wouldn't he?

He decides to go home. He's gonna take his sweet time, of course, but the sooner he starts moving the sooner he'll be back in Luke's arms.


“Quick! Tyler's coming, act natural!” Jonathan jumps at the sound of Smitty yelling, and he quickly moves away from the door like all the others.

Out of the corner of his eye, he can see Smitty… stripping? He doesn't question it, mostly because he trips and falls over Bryce's shoes. He rolls with it, since he doesn't have the time to pick himself back up, and pretends to be tying Bryce's shoe.

“What the fuck is going on in here?” Tyler's voice is loud and it sounds like he's holding back laughter.

Smitty cackles loudly. “You already know what the fuck’s going on!”

“No,” Tyler laughs. “I don't. Smitty, where are your clothes? Why is Mini holding a golf club? Where did Bryce get that stop sign?! And Jonathan is tying Bryce's shoes that don't even have shoelaces! He's wearing fucking bunny slippers!” Tyler gives another laugh, along with some weird wheezing noises.

Jonathan looks down to see if Tyler's right. He is, and it surprises Jon that he didn't notice it before.

“Man, you guys are so stupid I'm just not gonna tell you guys what Brock just told me,” Tyler says smugly. “You bitches get to go find him and ask him yourself.”

“What? Why?!” They all give upset cries as Tyler begins to walk back in the direction he came from. As he walks off, Jonathan quickly stands up and runs to catch up with him.

Jon looks up at Tyler curiously. “What did Brock say?”

Tyler shrugs with a laugh. “Said he and Brian went out searching for Ryan last night. They didn't find him, but they found some creepy hideout shit in a tree.”

“What?! No way! Can we go see it?” Jonathan is excited by this. He's always up for an adventure! Unless it gets creepy. He doesn't like that shit at all.


Hasn't he been here before? This place seems awfully familiar to him. The creepy ambiance, the big heavy door, the key stuck in the lock….

“Wait a fuckin’ minute! I've- I've been here before! Why didn't you fuckers tell me we were coming here?!” Jonathan stomps angrily on the ground. Tyler rolls his eyes and Brock and Brian sigh. Nogla, who they found on the way over, gives him a bewildered look. This is clearly news to him.

“Because unlike you, we don't spend our time in creepy murder scenes. Besides… did you ever even go inside the place?” Tyler gestures to a bookshelf that's been broken in half, and is sitting on the floor sadly.

Jonathan frowns. “Maybe not. So what?”

“Well, we're going in. Come on.” Tyler grabs Jonathan by the hoodie and pulls him along effortlessly. Brock and Brian were walking ahead of them, Brock casting some weird light with his hand. It takes Jonathan a moment to notice, but their hands are joined together in between the two of them.

Tyler notices where Jon’s looking and rolls his eyes. “Yeah. They think we don't know,” he mutters just loud enough for Jon to hear. “They're cute as fuck, though. I mean, I'm jealous.”

Jon nods, and they continue along the narrow path. It's dark and damp, like something straight out of a horror movie. Jonathan cringes as he steps into some sticky substance, and again as he realizes that some of it has stuck to his shoe. He shakes it off the best he can and jogs to catch up with the others.

Nogla sighs in frustration and comes to a stop. “This doesn't even go anywhere! What the fuck does it matter that we're exploring this dysfunctional sex dungeon! Nobody fucking cares! Ay, I fuckin’ swear we're gonna die down here, y’hear me?! Some murderer is gonna jump right out of the shadows and stab us with a bloody knife!”

“Calm down you Irish fuck!” Jonathan slaps Nogla on the back of the head. “You're gonna- gonna get your damn potatos in a nutsack. Chill.”

Tyler, Brock and Brian are all laughing. Nogla is offended and immediately puts a small bubble around himself, forcing Jonathan back a few steps. “Oi, you can fuck right off.”

Jonathan begins to prepare a nice, big glob of water in his hands, getting into a fighting stance. “I'll fuck off whenever I damn please! Say you're sorry!”

“I got nothing to apologize for!” Nogla’s magic is now creating a barrier between him and Jonathan.

He shoots the water at him anyways, and is immediately drenched from where the water simply bounces off Daithi’s little shield and back onto him. Everyone laughs at him, making Jonathan sigh and shake his head. “I fucking knew that would happen!”

Then why would you do it?!” Everyone yells at him at once.

Jonathan doesn't bother responding. He just crosses his arms and glares at them all. “Just keep walking you bullies.”

Thankfully, that's exactly what they do. They all continue walking in the hall, the place silent (except for the sound of Jonathan dripping onto the floor. His shoes were soaked and made weird squishy noises whenever he walked) as hell.

Another couple minutes of walking led them to a single door. They couldn't open it, so they made Tyler break it down entirely. The old wood door is thrown behind them, the noise echoing down the absurdly long hallway.

“What is it? What's in there?!” Jonathan tries to look over everyone's shoulders, but he's (sadly) the shortest out of everyone. He can't see a thing.

Daithi lifts up a small journal. “Isn't this Bryce's?”

Brian rolls his eyes. “I don't know, does it look like anyone else's? Who else has a purple journal with cat stickers and a bunch of music notes doodled on the front?"

Nobody says anything because they all know it's true. Jonathan also recognizes Luke's backpack chilling in the corner of the room. He doesn't mention it though. Luke rarely ever moves his backpack, let alone actually uses it. Who would believe him?

“Did anyone see that?” Brock is pointing towards an empty table. “That table wasn't there before!”

Brian smiles. It's a very pained smile, directed at Brock and making Brian look like someone just stabbed him in the butt. “Brock, sweetheart, I think we’d all notice if a table appeared out of nowhere….”

He's silent. Tyler suddenly gives a cry of “chair!” and points behind Jonathan. Daithi and Brian are also staring. Brock isn't looking at him, he's busy tying his shoe.

Jonathan isn't sure if he wants to turn around. He might be murdered, you know! This is, without a doubt, the exact kind of shit he does not like. He isn't okay with any of this!

Thankfully he doesn't have to deal with it much longer. There's a lot of yelling, some bright light, and then something slams into Jonathan's head and knocks him out.

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