A New Beggining

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I will never forget the day I was chosen....

"Now then, let us begin the ceremony" said the Elder, "Allen come". He gestured towards me to go up.

I looked at my mom, who kept crying next to Uncle none stop. I walked up the stairs to the Altar of The Great God of Warriors.

The Elder looked at me and smiled, for I knew he approved of what I was wearing. I had on the training armor the town's smith made me a year ago on my 12 birthday. I had my father's cloak mounted on my back.

"Ah Allen... You look fierce" said the Elder patting my shoulder, "Your Father would've been proud."

"He is Elder... I know he is. And I will make him more proud once I join the kings army." I said with my chest puffed and looking up at the Altar.

"Now let's begin the ceremony of Argon Walker" announced the Elder out loud, "Warrior, Smith, Husband, Father and Friend of The town of Daybrake." The Elder lifted his hands over Allen, "Oh God of Warriors, Bless Argon's soul as he joins your Halls of Warriors, let him be the torch that keeps his family warm. Bless his son Allen Walker and guide him to greatness!".

Allen looked up at the Altar, somehow he knew that God was looking at him in that moment, as he looked back down at the people of the town, he stopped smiling. Everyone had they're eyes wide open, even his mother stopped crying and smiled.

The Elder backed off and bowed down to the Altar. It got quiet. I looked at my feet and my hands, but I felt normal. The Elder got up and concluded the ceremony finished. Everyone retuned to town as if nothing happened. I went to my mom, but the Elder wanted to speak with me.

"Allen, how do you feel?" Said the Elder smiling at me.

"Well I feel better than ever before Elder." I said closing my hands into a fist, "I feel Like I can take on anyone... Its weird." I said with a grin.

"Allen, when the ceremony was about to end... A Blue light covered you, which is the signal of a Dragon Warrior being accepted by God Himself. It only happens once in a lifetime... When this happens, that person is either the new king or a General, it all depends on your choices, but don't let this bother you, for all of this only happens in legends." I looked at him in disbelief, "But I though it was only for Warriors, how come you regarded it a Dragon Warrior?". I got no answer. The Elder left me there on the Altar, "Even if its just legends... I might become a General!" I said with excitement, "How come I feel this strong.." I asked to myself while walking back to my house. On the way there people were bowing down, and patting my back. When I got home, I decided to change my ceremonial armor and cloak. While arranging the Armor on the dummy I heard the noise of something like a marble hit the floor.
Mom was cooking lunch, so i though it was her. As I went to walk out the door, I saw something on the floor.
"That's weird, I didn't had a marble on me... Oh no, Father's Cloak!" I said as I ran towards my bed. It was the Dark Blue Marble, It was cool to the touch. I held it on my hands steadily thinking that mom was going to kill me for damaging Father's cloak.

*You- you need to listen... Concentrate kid.* Said the voice.

I concentrated on the Blue marble and the voice that came through sounded Old and Wise... Kind of reminds me of someone.

"Who are you?! And How are you speaking to me?!" I asked alarmed.

"I am an old guy who would like to help you become a General". Said the voice sounding relieved that it was heard. "I am someone you should know very well Allen or have you already forgotten?". I looked around the room... And walked towards my table next to the window. I had a painting I drew when I was little. It was me with a stick, and an old guy with a staff.

"It can't be... GRANDPA?!, But you disappeared when Father joined the Kings Army A long time ago!" I said looking at the Marble closely.

"Hahahaha yes... Remember the story about the Walker Family Allen?" Asked grandpa chuckling slightly, "we are a family of famous Dragon Warriors, and it is not often that we appear. Most times it takes Centuries for 1 Full Dragon Warrior to Arise. But we have been lucky, first me, then your father and now you Allen... You have been chosen, and you are barely 13 years old. Normally God chooses a warrior when they become 18 years old... But maybe... Just maybe you have a stronger Spirit and blood than most of our ancestors." The voice said growing quiet.

"What do I do now? Uncle won't talk to me and Mom is acting weird." I asked Grandpa.

"Waller is an Idiot, he blames himself for Argon's fate. He should know, there was nothing he could do. Argon was ambushed and Your Uncle was back at the main Castle protecting the king." Grandpa's voice grew deadly, "They Ambushed him... And beat him up for information on the king, and to betray his own. Oh how I wanted to kill all of them... And I could have. If Argon hadn't sealed me in this infernal Marble I would have killed all of them... But he hid the marble on his cloak and whispered a message for you Allen" said my Grandpa with sadness on his voice.
Somehow I felt happy because now I know how he died, but I had so many questions... I embraced myself for my fathers message.

"Ok Grandpa Walker, tell me my Father's message" I said getting serious.

"No, I don't feel like talking anymore. Good bye." The voice vanished.

"Wait! Don't-" *sigh* whatever, I need to speak to Waller. He might want to know about Fathers meeting with the enemy that attacked him." I went out the door and headed out to his House in the northern part of the city. On my way there I passed the Training Hall, there I saw her... My Best Friend since we were babies. Pamela Anderson the Daughter of the town's Famous and Strongest Family, The Anderson's.

"Hey Pamela, how's training?" I asked her with a pat on the back. "Its been forever since we practiced together".

She looked down to her feet, and slowly walked away until she turned around and smile. "We can't be seen talking Allen, you have been chosen by God to be A great warrior. I'm just a normal girl." She said with a big sigh, "People will start thinking wrong and make bad comments... I know of it."

I walked up to her and flicked her forehead, "OWWWW!!" She screamed out loud and started crying. I removed her hand from her forehead and felt horrible. Apparently I am much more stronger than before and hit her with my full finger strength. "I'm so sorry Pam, ahhh here hit me!" I aimed for her to hit me on my head, but she aimed somewhere else. All I know is that I was on my knees trying not to barf.

"Really- ugh I almost barfed my lunch... Pamela, I'm sorry." I looked at her, as she was rubbing her forehead walking towards me slowly.
"We are Best Friends, why would you hit me so hard?!" She asked with her left hand on the air.

"I was going to tell you, to not be so foolish. For we are best friends, there is no reason for you to treat me differently." I said with a half smile.

"Fine! But if someone tells me anything, I will ignore you for the rest of the year." She said stomping her feet.

"Fine! Its not like I need someone... I have my mom... But jot a Father" I said with a hurt voice. Pam walked towards me and hugged me, not letting go. I cried until I couldn't cry no more, she held me there while humming a lullaby sung to us by Grandma.

Allen Walker And The Missing VoicesWhere stories live. Discover now