The Secret Place Of The Family

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*Hurry, its closing in on you and watch out for its tail!*

I was out of breath, and I just noticed that I am out of shape. I kept running until I came upon a huge Room inside the Cavern. It was the size of a 3 story house. It had tables, stairs to rooms I think, There was a Green bioluminescent pool with a glitter almost. A Burned out fire place. The only light in the room came from the pool. On the back was a small open field with different targets to practice Sword Fighting and also far away targets for bows.

"There's no way out!" I screamed out loud. I could hear the Monster's Roar through the cave.

* Now now Allen. This place has a Magical Ward that Keeps people and Monster away from here.*

"But I got in." I said wondering if I was about to be kicked out. "Does that mean that people who pass whatever it is can continue?".

*sigh.... Yes in a way, that was the last test to see if you were a true chosen Warrior from the Walker Family, and so you were chosen!. I am very happy, and now that we are in here, we can start the true training.*

"But what about the monster outside?!" I screamed into the empty room.

*It is a safe haven here Allen, it was made specifically for training.*

"Ok then, I'll get settled in".

I went up the stairs and left my now dry backpack on a bed, which caught me by surprise since I was soaking wet from taking a dive at the river. I looked around noticing that there were Five Beds in total,
"Weird... Why would there be Five beds in total." I said to myself. As I went down the stairs, the torches on the walls turned on one by one as I went by them.

*You are exhausted, go into the pool and add three of the Crystals your Uncle gave you.*

I did as told and what I saw left me with the jaw wide open. The Green pool started shining brighter and brighter until I needed to cover my eyes, and after a while it toned down. My sight focused, and it took me a while to understand what I was seeing with my own very eyes. The pool was the color of a rainbow, colors swirled in a perfect circle, steam came out of the pool very slowly.

*Go in, but I must warn you. You are about to experience Horrible things, so you must go in slowl-*

I didn't hear the warning from grandpa, I only heard "Go In" So I Jumped in. The water felt like a Lava pool, Hotter than the Hot springs at the Back mountains of the Heaven Family. My skin was burning, I tried to swim up, but every time I tried my body was burning inside out. I managed to go up for air and my throat was on fire. I couldn't breath at all. Looking around I tried to go back to the shallow spot, when I got there I tried to get out but,

*Stop! Stay inside. I tried to warn you, but if you get out now, your body will turn to dust. This is a ritual we all passed, and now you must endure it Allen! Just hear my voice. Now concentrate on your mind and Stomach.*

I did as he told me, I sat on the shallow spot, the water reached all the way to my shoulders. I hesitated, but I took a deep breath, concentrated on my mind and Stomach. The most difficult thing to do was ignore the pain around my body. The Burning sensation kept getting worse, to the point that I though I was going to faint.

*Good. As you meditate on both the mind and body, you will advance further.*

After what felt like Hours, my body did not hurt anymore, the pool turned back to the green color and it felt cold.

*We are doing good on time. Get out and change, it is time for class. Its been 2 Weeks, You need to know how this world works based on Ranks. That way If you ever meet a for you will know if its a Warrior or a Magus. There you will be able to measure his/her power and fight properly.*

Allen Walker And The Missing VoicesWhere stories live. Discover now