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"Ok are you ready?" Said mom, "Its going to be a long trip to the mountains, and a dangerous one at that" she brushed my hair to the side with a worried face.

"Its ok mom, don't be worried. I need training if I want to win the tournament in 5 months." I said smiling, thinking how I had an Ace up my sleeve.

"But, why not go with Uncle Waller?, he can train you." Mom said with a hopeful voice.

"Uncle is going through a lot right now. I don't want to bother anyone else." I said looking down at the floor.

*Stop talking and let's go Allen! Time is precious!*

* Yeah I know!* I mentally answered grandpa in a happy tone.

I said my goodbyes and headed out with my small backpack. The day was beautiful. The sun shined through the hills giving them a golden hue. Birds sang and farmers walking they're cattle's to the river for water. It was overall a wonderful day for an adventure.

*Continue until you see the Statue of the Sun. It will point towards our true destination.*

"I though you said, that it will take days before we arrive at the top" I pointed towards the hills, "Aren't we headed towards the hills?"

*Patience Allen, I never said the hills. I said let's find the Statue of the Sun!*

"Hmph!" I tried to shake off my annoyance.

The sun started to set on the horizon. The green lush hills, and the pebble roads changed to Rocky and jagged hills in different directions. I managed to get to a small Creek. I washed my face and refilled my skin bag. I continued down the dirt road looking for a statue that resembled the sun. I tried to ask Grandpa for directions, but he was strict with his answer.

*Allen, you need to learn. Just like I did when I was your age. I found it in my travels and it led me to greatness, and now it is your turn to find it. Good day!*

And then poof he left me alone. A 13 year old boy alone in the middle of nowhere with a small backpack, water, fruits and berries from the surrounding trees and bushes. Its a good thing I always like to be outside learning how to survive with my childhood friends and Uncle Waller.
I looked up and sighed,

"Alright let's continue on!".

The sky turned dark, and the stars shined through like specs of crystals activating signals in the sky. I found a good tall tree and climbed to the top to find a place to sleep.

"One thing I've learned is that at night monsters come out, and Grandpa made it clear that I am too weak to fight a human even... But tomorrow I will find this Statue and train to become the strongest of my family... Avenge my Father and reclaim our honor." My eyelids felt heavy, I slowly drifted into an endless realm of dreams...

*Wake up! Allen...*

"Huh..." I rubbed the sleep off of my eyes and got up, "I was having a good sleep!" I stretched my arms out and looked in front of me. "No way..." I could not say any words, for the The view was amazing. I climbed down from the tree and slowly made my way to the White Marble Statue Of The Sun... "Now it all makes sense. When the sun hits it in the right spot, the Marble reflects the sun making it shine like a beacon. On top of it was a type of arrow that points south... And these runes" I said passing my fingers through it, the statue trembled and the arrow turned to face north.

*Good Job, it looks like you didn't need my help finding the way to activate the the Statue. You are my grandson alright!*

"Let's see where this takes us" I said excited.

*Hmph, don't get too full of yourself... We are headed to very dangerous grounds. Keep an eye out, Good Bye!*

"Wait, what about dangerous?!" I said nervously.

Allen Walker And The Missing VoicesWhere stories live. Discover now