No More Snow!

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"Dad! Allen wasn't at his house today again, so I asked His mom. She said that he went to the far mountains to train for the upcoming tournament!" I said in desperation, "Its all Ed's fault, I don't know why he is acting like that... Unless".

Her Father looked at her from the top of a scroll, "Pam dear don't fret over such a trivial matter, he is just proving his wit and defending his honor. What I can not believe is that Argon died... To think that the only man who could challenge me died in the hands of those people... makes my blood boil." He said clenching his fists.

I put my hands on his, "Father please, calm yourself, I'm worried about Allen" I said in a soothing voice.

"Sigh... Thank you Pam, I don't know what I could do without you, and I really don't care what happens to Argon's Son". Said Father smiling lightly.

*knock knock*

"Come in!" Said father.

"Sir, The Mistress is here to see her daughter" said the Butler.

There was a long silence, until Pamela broke it, "Alright I'm on my way!" I said happily.

"Just when I though the day could not get any better" said my father rolling his eyes sarcastically.

"I know that you and mom are going through some difficult times, and that you take it out on me... but I still believe that one day you two will be able to fix everything and become great friends... I believe in all of us, in you, mother, brother and myself" I said walking out of the room.

My father stood up and walked towards the open window, taking a deep breath he looked down at his daughter's mother. "If only we could tell each other sorry without any conflict... That would be wonderful. But my stupid attitude and my idiotic ways only made the family separate even more... If only I paid more attention to my family and not myself. None of this sadness or Hatred would be around my daughter, and my own son" He said in a sad voice.

"Hi mom!" I said hugging her tightly, "I though you weren't feeling well?" I looked into her green eyes intently.

"Do not worry, I am feeling better." Said Pamela's Mother with a warm smile. "It has been weeks since I last saw you my dear" she said hugging Pam tightly.

I looked behind my mother, and on her carriage inside was a kid almost my age... "Black almost wavy hair, Light brown eyes, freckles on the cheeks and a devilish smile which means. Hey! What are you thinking of doing Alias?" I screamed at my brother.

"Stop screaming Pam" he whispered, "I don't want to get found out!"

"Alias, please stop" said mom.

"Fine" he said walking out of the carriage. "Long time no see Pam, it seems you have gained some weight", he said with a smile. "Also why are you wearing that-" he was cut short, because I punched him in the stomach.

"Good to see you again, Alias." I said with a smile.

"You... Got stronger sis." He said groaning.

"Do you think I go to the Training hall just to lay back, read books and sing... Actually I do that too!, but I train my magic everyday!" I said skipping back to my mom.

"Alright you two, Pamela are you coming with me today?" Said mom with a hopeful look.

"No mother... The tournament is in 5 months, I need to train and get as strong as Allen when he returns." I said seriously.

"That boy... Ever since little both of you have been together, covering each other's backs. Very well Pamela" said Mother with a stern look. "I will cheer for you none stop! For you are Pamela Snow of the Famous Snow family of Daybrake, don't you ever forget that Grandma still awaits for you if you wish to further your training." My Mother walked away to the carriage carrying Alias by the ear, "And you! You are in big trouble. Bye bye Love!"

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