Will You Teach Me

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After an embarrassing moment in front of my Best Friend, I headed to the towns Mage, An Old wrinkly Long bearded Guy with no hair... Maybe he could tell me more of this Marble, and also what happened to me. You see this Mage is also a story teller so maybe he might of heard of the Dragon Warrior and this thing.

"Here we are!" I looked at the entrance, same as always. Exotic plants everywhere, a weird gargoyle statue overlooking the mountains, The frame of the house was rather peculiar. The wood on it was twisted as if it grew too fast, and the windows were blurry. Overall it looked abandoned, but the chimney was puffing so someone was living there.

I opened the door, and the smell of musty swamp filled my nose. The store looked dim the cause of the blurry windows. Vials and potions against the walls with tables scattered around. On the far table was Fad the Mage.

"Weird smells as always Fad" I said covering my nose, sounding weird. "I want to ask you a few questions about The God of Warriors and This blue Marble." Fad leaned forward smiling ever so gently.

"Ahhh... If it isn't the famous Allen Walker. The new Warrior chosen by God himself. What questions may he bare." He laughed and hurried me over. "Just kidding Allen come on in, make yourself at home. What about a Marble?" He asked me with his hand extended.

I gave him the Marble. His fingers trembled slightly, "Where did you get this?!" He said with sweat building up on his head. "This type of Marble is used to imprison Evil Souls. The only way to be activated is by adding your own magic to it. Let's say you want to capture me, you need to add your own magic to it, add enough that is stronger than mine. Then cast the spell and the evil soul gets sucked in for eternity." He took a deep breath.

"This is the first time I have ever held one... This color. This is an SS Marble hence the smooth look. The color of it depends on the soul that it is trapped inside. Color Blue... This is an Emperor Level Soul... Kid take this and hide it... Hide it and don't show anybody." He stood up and walked beside me, "Do not tell absolutely anyone about it. Now goodbye have a nice day Allen." He shut the door behind me.

"Okay... Emperor Level huh?, isn't that the same level as the King? Never mind that. Its already this late in the day, I hope mom is doing ok".

I made my way back home, on the way there I passed through the training hall once more to see if Pam was there, but it was empty except for the cleaners.

I decided to take the long path home. It passed through the heart of town's Plaza. Food stores were opened with people drinking and laughing outside, the atmosphere felt wonderful.

"Hey Allen!!, what are you doing out so late?" Said the lazy voice.

I turned around, "Oh Hey Edward! You know out for a walk." I said turning away before he gets me in trouble.

"Oh don't be like that kid, I'm your friend!" He said jogging and stopping in front of me.

"What do you want?" I said annoyingly.

"Ahhh right into business, that's why I like you." He pointed towards the busiest Store in town. "How about we go and make ourselves some money crystals?" He said brushing his hands together.

"No." I kept walking.

"Then would you do it for your dear friend Pam? I wonder if she would hurt herself" He said mockingly.

"Don't you dare Edward. This is between you and me." I said to him my anger rising.

"Ah ah ah ah ah calm down, it was just a suggestion." He started laughing.

He wasn't always like this. Edward is the son of the Town's Elder. So he thinks everyone owes him for his own failures, and now anytime he can get money for free either by stealing or selling or being a bully he will do it, but he wasn't like this. 3 years ago his Mom died of a mysterious illness, he blamed everyone in town for her death. Now he acts like someone that everybody owes.

Allen Walker And The Missing VoicesWhere stories live. Discover now