The Flame

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                    Edward Kenshin

"Thank you Edgar" I said to the Butler.

"My apologies Young Master, it took me too long to bring it to you." said the butler with a worried tone.

"Its fine." I said waving him away.

I looked around my room, got up and walked to the window. The day was nice, sunny, good wind and pretty girls walking around waiting for me... It took me a while to notice my Father calling me.

"Edward, come to the meditation yard!" Screamed my father.

"Yeah, yeah I'm going. sigh... what could he want now" I said annoyed.

My name is Edward Kenshin of the Flame Family of Daybrake. I'm a protégé per se. My Father Edward Flame is the Dean of the Daybrake Tower and one of the strongest Saints in this town. I'm 15 Years old and ready to roll. I'm a laid back kind of guy, but I don't like anyone bothering me, and if you give me a bad look I will bash your face in. Now back to my greatness.

Since a little kid I have been able to use Flame Magic to the point that I am now a Level 3 Fire Magus, and I haven't even joined the school, so I can't call myself a Magus yet, not until I graduate. I will go after the Family Tournament in 5 months. Once I humiliate Allen and everyone else, then I will be satisfied and maybe join the school. Now back to whatever my dad wants.

"Good you're here. I am heading out to the tower, would you like to join me and train together?" Asked my dad sitting on a wooden circle on top of a small rock, "With the upcoming tournament you must keep yourself sharp my son."

"No Father, I am fine. There is no one from my age stronger than me. There is no need for me to train at all." I said walking away.

"Sigh... How many times must I tell him, that to be strong you must continue training and suffer through it until you become whole. What should I do Ellis?" Asked Flame.

"I would let him be, for when the day comes and someone is stronger than him that would teach him a lesson. Then he will seek for your help, and then you can enforce the Flame family training to your hearts content." Said the lady server.

"Interesting, you make a very valid point. Alright then. Let's hope someone close to his age is stronger than him." Said Flame with hope.

I went to the main gate and looked back, "Who do you think you are telling me to go and train when I can beat whoever I want." I said arrogantly. "And now Allen will pay with his face once I see him again.

"HELP HELP!" screamed a villager.

I looked towards the commotion to see one of the wagons had fell sideways on a food stall, and someone was underneath it stuck.

"Please he needs help! Please help my son!" Said the villager trying to lift it up, but it was heavy. Some other people joined in to help, but couldn't even move it. I didn't care, that's the drivers fault. As I kept walking down the road minding my own business I heard a boom. I turned around and saw Allen's Uncle healing the injured son.

"By the gods, thank you brave soldier!" Said the villager patting him on the shoulder.

"It is simply my duty to help the kings people, and my friends!" He said walking towards other guards and giving them instructions to help the young man.

"Hmph, he thinks he has authority. But not here, my Father is the one in charge and stronger than that guy." I kept walking and found myself on the entrance to the Tombs of the fallen warriors and healers. I kept walking and found my mothers grave,

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