Light Or Darkness

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Somewhere on the Northern Mountains, close to the Demons territory.

"Choose wisely." Said Mother.

I looked at both sides and smiled, "I choose both" I said hugging both Dark and Light lamps. "Darkness can't shine without Light, and same with the Light. Without Darkness Light does not shine brighter." I sat on my chair feeling inspired.

"No... No!" Screamed mother while grabbing me by the arms, "Why are you such a stubborn child. You must choose Light, always the Light. Darkness is Evil." Said mother not letting me go.

"Mother, Darkness is evil because all of you have depicted it as Evil. What about all the bad things the light has done?" I said at my mother in defiance. But she slapped me and walked away.

"How dare you speak in such a way of the holy light! It is majestic and always righteous!" She said in a dreamy voice. "You... A child born of both Holy and Darkness... That cursed father of yours, leaving me with a child. Curse him!"

I stood up with tears pouring none stop, "I am still your daughter! A mother who treats her own child like this is no mother at all! Only an abuser!" I screamed at her, "I don't care for this Holy place." I ran to the door and left. As I ran down the hall I couldn't stop cursing of being born into this cruel world. I ran so far that I didn't even noticed where I was headed. But I didn't care, any were away from here was as good as any.

I looked up at the moon in the night. Stars sparkled ever so lightly, Nocturnal animals hunting, from big to small creatures. "Why?..." I croaked trying not to cry out loud, but I couldn't help it. It was like this everyday. Everyone saw me as the child of darkness and I really tried to learn all mother taught me. She is one of the highest Monks in that stupid temple. I was bullied everyday and I never got normal clothes, only ragged clothing becuase that way they can classify me as an outcast...
Hours passed and I sat there sniffing and cleaning away my tears, after a while I fell asleep next to a big tree's trunk.

Night passed and came early morning. The sun shined through the leaves, making a wonderful way of feeling warmth and comfort. I opened my eyes and looked down, I couldn't move one muscle.

"Oh its just little wolves... Wait baby wolves...? These are Demon Wolves babies! And 5 of them sleeping on top of me." I felt scared, but they're Beautiful Fur looked amazing in the sunlight. It gave off a dreamlike look. One of the pups woke up and yawned, his red orange color eyes looked straight at me and liked my cheek. I was caught off guard for such cuteness. The pup lay there looking at me and went back to sleep. I smiled and laid back to sleep, noticing that I was sleeping on a tree trunk, so how come it is this soft. I started touching the fur bed I was on and looked up. There it was... "The Guardian of the Forrest", I whispered.

The magnificent mother of these cubs... I started petting one of the babies trying to look innocent. A graceful voice appeared through my mind,

*You are awake young one" said the voice in my head.

It caught me by surprise, I looked up and the Wolf had a big eye on me, it blinked slowly and laid its head next to me, "You surprised me... Oh majestic beast".

*My name is Akela, I guard this Demon Forrest, and you my child... I found you laying here asleep in the darkness with tears and sadness. My sons and daughters took a liking to you and laid next to you. My children have good instincts and that was all I needed to trust you... You are something special*

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