Down to the Earth Evan

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Earth is my whole being, for I came from the Earth, and to the Earth I shall return when my time comes once more.

"I need that book... It can tell me more about the Quake Families history." I said to myself.

I duplicated the key to the door and opened it slowly. The door creaked, I flinched looking sideways through the hall. After a while of silence I continued forward into the dark room. The door closed by itself in a flash behind me, then there was a small whisper like small pebbles falling on the side of a mountain.

"Why are you here?" Said the scary voice.

"Im- I'm here... to- to gain knowledge" said the shaky voice.

"None may enter this room of knowledge... Without the Master's permission." Huffed the scary voice.

"I- I- I know... But I want to learn the truth about my family." Said the shaky voice.

"Who?..." Said the voice sounding annoyed.

"The Quake Family, I- I- I- I'm Evan Quake, son of The Earth Saint Magus Rock." Said the kid with new found strength.

"Oh.... OH YOU'RE HIS SON?!" Said the voice shrieking and the light suddenly turning on. "Why didn't you say so?! I though you were someone else. My name is Iris. I am the Librarian of the Secret Room of the Quake Family. What knowledge do you seek, young master?" Said the short woman trembling as she bowed down.

"No harm done" said Evan with a smile. "Now down to business. I need the Level 5 Earth Spells History Book, if I may".

"Um... I understand that you are the Master's son, but that book can not be simply given away unless you are a Level 5 Magus yourself, young master" said Iris with a deep bow, "I'm sorry, but I can not give it to you. My apologies Young Master Evan".

"Interesting... So father forbids me from studying the book until I reach level 5... And a Magus at that. I guess I will have to join that cursed school and also get to level 5." Said Evan more to himself than to Iris. "Ok, sorry for bothering you Iris, I will take my leave now" said Evan with a formal bow.

"Thank you for understanding young master, I will wait your return when you achieve the rank." Said Iris with a warm smile.

I walked out of the room. I closed the door and started breathing heavily.

I continued down the hall, walking by the marble walls and Dark brown Floor with different plants and vines going around aimlessly... "They need to trim this around here, a bit more and we won't look like a high class family, more like the elf's in the deep woods." I took a left on the hall towards my father's study.

"Yes Evan?" Said Rock without looking up from the scroll.

"I tried to ask the Ghost lady for a book and she denied my request" I said with a pout on my face.

"I told Iris to keep that place locked up." Said Father in a loud voice and throwing the scroll to the floor.

"Don't be mad at her, I managed to open the door with a key." I said nervously. "I insisted, but she refused and told me to ask her only until I reach Level 5 Earth Magus also with graduation from the Magus school. Why are you so bothered?"

My Father relaxed and sat back down. He opened the table's drawer and put a small orb on the table. "Son, you are very intelligent, but you've declined your training by so much. You are 13 years old, and not even level 1 practitioner of Earth Magic. It pains me so much.... But you are my son and I love you. Take this orb, keep it with you always. If anything were to happen I will know where you are, and you will know where I am." Said Father waving me out of the room.

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