Chapter Four

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Cheshire's POV
I have to say, the strait jacket was a surprise, but not a huge problem. As I skipped through the hallways of the ship, I could hear the thundering footsteps of the guards following me, their panicked shouts filling me with annoyance.

"Idiots, I'm surrounded by idiots..." I murmured as I quickly stepped into the darkness of the hallway. The shouts got closer and I watched closely as they all rushed past me, one by one. Phil Coulson jogging after them, cursing under his breath. Smirking, I watched as he turned the corner and relaxed my body, breathing out before pushing my right arm towards my opposite shoulder.

'This isn't my first rodeo Tasha.' I thought to myself as I brought my right arm up and over my head and beginning to unbuckle the sleeve with my teeth.

"Well this is kinky." A gruff voice said from across the hall. I glanced up at the man before me, his blue eyes stared back at me with amusement. His sleeveless suit left his muscular arms out on display for everyone, but that's not what caught my attention. Well...maybe they did, but that's beside the point. The quiver of arrows attached to his back is what caught my gaze. "Not that I'm not into crazy chicks, but the straitjacket is new for me." I smirked and using my free hands, continued to unbuckle the top and bottom buckles.

"Well, how about as soon as you help me out of this I'll show you how crazy I can be?" I asked seductively as I could while stepping on one sleeve of the jacket and tugging myself out of it.

Barking out a laugh, the man lifts me off of my feet, forcing me to wrap my legs around his waist to stay steady.

" you have a name, or will I just have to call you Katniss?" I ask before biting his neck softly. The man groans and slams me against the wall, forcing my arms above my head.

"Clint. Clint Barton." He whispers huskily before nipping at my neck, causing a shiver to run down my spine. "So, does little miss crazy have a name?" He asks. A smirk finds its way to my face as I tighten my hold on Clint, forcing him closer. Driving his hands away, I wrap my arms around him and pull him in for a .

For a moment, our mouths were pressed hotly against each other, and his hand tangled in his hair, eyes closing. My smirk slowly grew into a full grin as we separate, leaving him out of breath. As soon as his eyes met my own, he let out a nervous chuckle. "What are you smiling like that for?" I loosen my legs from his waist and hop down to the ground.

"Oh nothing, it's just that I haven't told you my name yet." I say as I fix my hair. Clint walks up to me and pulls me towards him

"Well, why don't you tell me then little miss crazy?" Pulling him down towards me, I kiss right below his ear before whispering in his ear.

"Ember, but most people like to call me Cheshire." I could feel the jolt of shock shoot through his body, but before he could make a move I push down on his pressure point and grin as his body goes limp in my arms.
Suddenly the sound of multiple guns cocking fill the silence of the hallway.

Third POV
Fury was angry. No, he was infuriated, Cheshire just didn't know when to stop, did she? It was a pain in the ass to retrieve her in the first place, and now she's seemed to disappear once again.
Letting out a sigh, Fury stalked over to Coulson and grabbed his shoulder.

"Get a group of agents together, now." Phil nodded his head rapidly before dashing out of the room, frantically speaking into his earpiece.

Half an hour later, Fury alongside twenty armed guards were storming down every hallway within the Helicarrier. Anger was slowly building inside Fury as they neared the hallway closest to the deck of the ship. Two figures came into view and Fury narrowed his eyes at the two of them. He came to a stop three yards away and the agents around him cocked their guns. Cheshire tensed up before slowly turning around, Clint's limp body still in her arms. Smiling innocently, she let go of him, Clint falling to the floor with a loud THUNK.

"Oh dear, what an awkward situation." She mumbled, looking up at Fury. His eyes fell upon Clint's body lying on the ground before narrowing up at Cheshire.

"We need to talk."

Cheshire sighed before stepping over Clint and pushing an agent out of the way.
"Let's get this over with bossman." She growled. Fury ordered the agents to take care of Clint before following Cheshire down the hallway.

"I need to know if you're putting any of my agents in danger." Fury stated from beside her. Cheshire's grin faded into a soft smirk before she looked up at the stern man.

"As long as they don't bother me, I'll keep my calm cool." Cheshire replied. Fury stopped walking and turned to face her. Sighing, Cheshire held out her pinkie. "Come on old man." Raising his eyebrows, Fury hesitantly wraps his pinkie around her own.

"I think this is the start of a beautiful relationship." Cheshire said as a grin painted itself upon her cheeks.

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