Chapter Twenty

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"Right..." Cheshire stares at the portal, annoyed. "There's a giant outer space army." With a groan, she picks up the sniper and stares at Tony as he flies towards the portal. He fires multiple missiles, taking down several targets.

"It's useless Iron Ass." Cheshire says over the link. Tony groans at the sight of thousands of Chitauri flying out towards him and turns back, flying towards the city. "Hey wait! Come get me!" She shouts, angrily.

Tony grins sarcastically.

"If you can find a way to come back alive, you can find a way downtown hot stuff." With that, he continues towards the city.

"I can find a way to come back alive" Cheshire mocks tony as she pulls out her grappling gun and shoots it at Stark Tower. "Newsflash dumbass, I never !"

3rd P.O.V.

Loki walks onto the balcony as the sound of the Chitauri rings out. Admiring his soon to be Kingdom, Loki grins. Behind the trickster God, Thor makes a quiet landing on the tower. And by quiet, I mean he destroys the

"Loki!" Thor booms. "Turn off the Tesseract or I'll destroy it!" Turning to face his 'brother', Loki's grin widens.

"You can't. There is no stopping it. There is only the war!" Thor's eyes narrow.

"So be it." Thor mutters. Loki and Thor rush at each other, their weapons colliding. The two battle -- Loki unleashing more of his pent-up rage and jealousy, giving Thor no choice but to defend himself.


Cheshire's P.O.V.

Groaning, I roll my eyes as Thor and Loki battle. Loki fires energy from the scepter, sending Thor sliding across the floor. Glaring at the man, I quickly pull out the sniper and shoot towards that reindeer bitch. Loki quickly blocks the bullet with this scepter before firing a blast of energy at the ledge I sat upon, sending me flying towards the cement sidewalk below.

"Fuck you reindeer bastard!" I scream as the wind whips around my body. "Stark get your ass over here if you know what's good for you!" I shout into my earpiece.

"Don't get your panties in a twist Ember, we got you." Natasha's voice fills my earpiece before my body slams against the side of a Quinjet. I continue to roll down the side and start to fall off before a hand reaches out and grabs my own.

"Got you!" Looking up, I squint at . His eyes widen as they meet my own. "Ember?"

"Well as long as I'm just HANGING OUT, how has your day been?" I shout over the sound of the jet. Steve blinks a few times before pulling me up into the Quinjet, both of us falling on the ground.

"God damn, I know you wanna bang, but at least wait until no one was around, unless you're into that kind of thing..." A smirk finds its way onto my face and I down to bite his lip teasingly. Steve looks up at me and yanks me down into a hug. "Alright, it's not as kinky as I wanted, but it'll do."

"I thought I lost you." He murmurs. I tense up before sighing and hugging the super soldier back.


"Natasha, you'd think that the guy that bangs her brains out and saved her life would at least get a high five, right?" A voice says loudly, causing me to tense up.

"Clint?" I ask.

Kissing Cap on the nose I shoot up and run towards the cockpit.

"You fucking idiot!" I shout, punching Clint in the shoulder. "Don't you dare leave me again, I almost shanked your ass." Clint hands the controls off to Nat before unbuckling his seatbelt and taking off his headset. Grabbing him by the ear, I tug him out of his chair and throw him to the ground. Steve starts to walk towards us and reaches out.

"You, stay put." He stops obediently. "Now, I need like three bottles of hard liquor, A box of doughnuts, the good kind, not that cheap shit. And finally, I need the first aid kit because I'm like 99 percent sure I ripped open my stiches." I growl. Clint gets on his feet and yanks me on for a hug.

"God damn, I missed that fiery attitude of yours. Let me go get the kit. Steve, put her over there."

"It doesn't look like that's going to happen boys." Nat states. Grabbing the kit from Clint I nod over to Natasha.

"Go on arrow boy." I smirk. Clint grins and kisses me on the cheek before going to help Nat. "Steve?" I ask sweetly.

"Yes Ma'am." Walking over to the blonde I place my hand on his chest.

"I know you probably hear this a lot but," I pause to smile cheekily up at him.


Guess who has the flu, and strep throat, at the same time??

Please kill me.

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