Chapter Nineteen

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"WHOOO!" I scream as I ignore the shots of the pilot of the Quinjet I I set autopilot for Stark tower and zipped open the bag of gauzes and doses of adrenalin.

"Cheshire, what the hell are you doing?" I sigh as Fury's voice crackles over the speakers.

"Shut up Boss Man, you knew I wouldn't let them have all the fun." I reply as I unzip the front of my suit and groan at the sight of the blood soaking though the bandages.

"You know good and well that you're gonna die if you push yourself too far, come back to base so Doctor Thompson can stitch up your stab wound." Rolling my eyes, I try to wipe up the blood, but it won't stop oozing out.

"Fuck. You'd have a hissy fit if you saw how much blood I'm getting in the Quinjet I borrowed." Silence fills the air as I tie a knot in the thread and pull out a lighter from my bra to sterilize the needle.

"Turn that jet around right now." I stop as Fury's voice erupts from the speakers.

"Ohohohohoho, you're pissed, aren't you?" I ask.

"What do you think?"

"Well that's too bad, now I have to bite down my belt so I don't scream as I sew up the hole in my stomach. Good day to you sir." And with that I mute the speakers and put the belt in my mouth. 'Here goes nothing.'

Third POV
Tony arrives at Stark Tower where Selvig, activates the CMS device, holding the Tesseract.

"Sir, I took off the arc reactor. The device is already self-sustained." Jarvis states

Tony stares down Selvig. "Shut it down, Dr. Selvig." Said man whips around to face Tony, madness burning in his eyes.

"It's too late! It can't stop now. He wants to show us something! A new universe."

"Okay." Tony says before aiming aims his hands toward the CMS and firing. The energy
from his boosters shatters with a deafening CRACK! Selvig falls backwards. Down below, citizens of New York stare up at the Tower. Tony lowers his hand in disbelief, the CMS was unharmed.

"The barrier is pure energy. It's unbreachable. The Mark VII is not ready to be deployed." Jarvis states, indifferent.

"Skip the spinning rims. We're on the clock." He lands his suit and goes through; the gauntlet unsuits him. Loki looks up at him, smiling. They proceed to walk into the penthouse. A few buildings away, a Quinjet slowly approaches.

Cheshire's POV
Ignoring the throbbing due to my handy medical skills, I land the Quinjet atop a building beside Stark tower.

"Son of a mother-!" I screech as I trip over the bag and collapse on the ground. Letting out a groan, I flip my hair out of my face and grab my bag to start to walk out of the Quinjet before catching sight of an amazing thing. Natasha's Sniper. "Ohohohoho. Don't mind if I do." Grabbing the Sniper, I slowly get off the Jet and get comfortable on the edge of the building facing Stark

"Game on. God of Ass." I whisper as I follow Loki through the scope. "Oh! Let's make this even better." I grin as I pull out my phone and start to hack into Stark's systems.

Third POV
Loki walks inside Stark Tower, holding the scepter. Tony casually walks down the steps, towards the bar. He keeps is eyes on Loki until a red dot from a laser dances across the wall behind Loki. Tony hears a familiar chuckle in his earpiece and his body sags in relief. Loki's voice interrupts his happiness.

"Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity."

"Uh..." Tony starts, hoping to hear more from Cheshire. "Actually, I'm planning to threaten you." Loki scoffs.

"You should have left your armor on for that."

"Yeah, it's seen a bit of mileage. You've got the blue stick of destiny. Would you like a drink?"

"Stalling me won't change anything." Tony grins as the red laser moves on Loki's shoulder.

"No, no, no! Threatening. No drink? You sure? I'm having one."

"The Chitauri are coming, nothing will change that. What have I to fear?" Loki continues, oblivious to the Sniper trained on his figure.

"The Avengers." Tony replies. Loki, looks at Tony, confused. "It's what we call ourselves, sort of like a team. 'Earth's Mightiest Hero's' type of thing."

"Yes, I've met them." Loki grins.

"Oh, you ass. You haven't met angry Cheshire yet." Tony smiles at the sound of Cheshire's voice, angry or not.

"Yeah, takes us a while to get any traction, I'll give you that one." Tony's smile turns into a straight face "But, let's do a head count here. Your brother, the demi-God; a super soldier,
a living legend who kind of lives up to the legend; a man with breath-taking anger management issues; a couple of assassins, oh and a psychotic babe with a love of revenge, and you, big fella, you've managed to piss off every single one of them." Loki's brow furrows.

"That was the plan. However, I thought the ravishing woman with the smile suffered the consequences of crossing me."

"Ohoho, no, you can't kill Cheshire." Tony replies. Cheshire's Laugh erupts from the other side of the Com Link

"Damn straight metal man."

"It was not a great plan by the way. When they come, and they will, they'll come for you." Buying time, Tony slips on Colantotte Bracelets, a honing device.

"I have an army." Loki points out.

"We have a Hulk." Tony retaliates.

"Oh, I thought the beast had wandered off." The red laser shakes a bit and quickly moves up to Loki's temple.

"You're missing the point. There's no throne, there is no version of this, where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damned well sure we'll avenge Loki slowly walks up to him; raising his scepter.

"How will your friends have time for me, when they're so busy fighting you?" Loki smirks evilly and taps Tony on the chest with his scepter. Ping! Nothing. Confused, Loki tries again. Ping!


"It should work." Loki states, puzzled.

" You know?" In anger, Loki grabs Tony by the throat and flings him across the room.

"Jarvis. Anytime now. Cheshire, if you're going to do something do it."

"Calm down, Stark. You'll be fine." Loki grabs Tony be the throat again.

"You will all fall before me." He growls before throwing Tony out the window, sending Stark freefalling down the side of the tower. From behind Loki, an elevator opens and a red pod shoots out.

Inside the tower, glass breaks as three bullets hit Loki's scepter, forcing the God to drop it. Looking around, Loki sees no one.

"Reveal yourself mortal!" He shouts. From the broken window, Tony flies up in the Mark VII suit, catching Loki's attention.

"And there's one other person you pissed off! His name was Phil." Raising his hand, Tony fires at Loki, sending him flat on his ass.

Cheshire looks up at the sky, the Tesseract's energy beaming up into the heavens. The ray then forms a vortex, which then opens up. From the building, the assassin groans at the sight of the stream of light.

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